Broad Impacts
2021-2024 Articles
US Sunbelt’s Growing Population Faces Increasing Climate Hazards 1224
Why 2-Year Surge in Global Warmth Worries Scientists 1224 - Too many cannot figure out what caused it. Ocen thermal stratification is one factor. But a bigger one is probably fewer clouds, especially low-lying clouds. And part of that is fewer sulfur emissions for ships, which are now required to burn much lower-sulfur fuel. There are other factors as well.
Climate Change Is Making Disasters Deadlier. Here’s How Much. 1024
Overlooked Climate Perils - Education, Productivity, Crime, Air Pollution, Fires 0924
New Federal Report Details More of 2023’s Extreme Climate Conditions 0824
From Heat Waves to Hurricanes, Climate Hazards Often Hit Renters the Hardest 0824
The Era of Super-Wild Weather Is Already Here 0624
Texas Weather Extremes Likely to Become Normal, Scientists Say 0724
World on ‘Highway to Climate Hell’ with 12 Straight Months of Record Heat - UN 0624
Year of Record Global Heat Pushed Earth Closer to Dangerous 1.5°C Threshold 0624
Brutal Heat Waves and Submerged Cities- How a 3°C World Would Look 0524
Extreme Weather Events Soar Globally as Temperatures Rise 0524
After Climate Tipping Points, Change Will Come Slowly, Then All at Once 0424
5 Ways El Niño Is Wreaking Havoc in South America 0224
James Hansen Is Back with Another Dire Climate Warning 1123
Huge Rainfall Deficit, Climate Change, Cast Shadow over Panama Canal’s Future 1223
The Arctic’s Vital Signs Are Going Haywire from Climate Change 1223
Severe El Niño in S. America Previews Changed World – Dengue, Drought, Floods 1223
‘Biodiversity Catastrophe’ - How Earth Could Look in 2050, unless We Act Now 1123
US Climate Impacts Are ‘Far-Reaching and Worsening’ - US Climate Assessment 1123
8 Key Takeaways from the 5th US National Climate Assessment 1123
James Hansen Is Back with Another Dire Climate Warning 1123
Famed Climate Scientist Has a New, Dire Prediction 1123
Hot & Humid Extreme Heat Is Weakening Entire Marine ecosystems in Florida, Not Just Coral 0923
Earth Exceeds Its ‘Safe Operating Space for Humanity’ in 6 of 9 Key Ways 0923
Climate Change 'Dystopian Future Already Here' - UN Rights Chief 0923
‘Off-the-Charts Records’ - Heat at High End of Projections, Impacts Worse 0823
As Warming Boosts Extreme Weather, ‘Everything We Care about Is on the Line’ 0823
Click for more
Extreme August Arrives with a Warning - Expect More 0823
Potentially Fatal Combinations of Humidity and Heat Emerging across the Globe 0520
Rising Temperatures Are Wreaking Havoc Year-Round 0823
‘The Extreme Events Scare Me the Most’, Italy Is Vulnerable to Climate Crisis 0823
The World Just Got Its 1st Real Taste of what Life Is Like at 1.5°C 0823
It’s the Summer of Changed Climate. Get Used to It. 0723
Vacations as We’ve Know Them Are Over 0723
June Extremes Suggest Parts of the Climate System Are Reaching Tipping Points 0723
Midwest States, Climate Havens Maybe, Suffer Summer of Smoke, Drought, Heat 0723
Humans Approaching Limits of ‘Survivability’, as Heat Waves Engulf Parts of Asia 0623 - Foucus on India, also southeast Asia
Climate Set to Push 1/3 of Humanity Out of Its Most Livable Environment 0623
Humans Have Blown Past Key Limits for Earth’s Stability, Scientists Say 0523
Climate Change is Bad for Everyone. Where It's Expected to Be Worst in the US. 0523
EPA Report Details the Ways Climate Change Endangers Children 0423
The Oceans Are the Hottest on Record. Here Are 6 Things to Watch for. 0423
Humanity at the Climate Crossroads - Highway to Hell or a Livable Future? 0323
The World Is on the Brink of Catastrophic Warming - IPCC 0323
The Business Case for Reversing Extinction 0323
16 China Provinces and Florida among World’s Most Climate-Vulnerable Regions 0223
Nearly 30 Dangerous Feedback Loops Could Permanently Shift Earth’s Climate 0223
Why 2° of Global Warming Is Worse than It Sounds 0223
Extreme Weather Spread in 2022, with $270 Billion in Losses, $120 Billion Insured 0123
The Toll That Extreme Weather Took in the U.S. during 2022, by the Numbers 1222
90% of US Counties Hit with Disaster in Last Decade 1122
World Close to ‘Irreversible’ Climate Breakdown, Warn Major Studies 1022
Not as Catastrophic - A New Climate Reality Is Coming into View 1022
Scientists Warn in Report that Climate Change Has Pushed Earth to 'Code Red' 1022
Dire Climate Impacts Distract from Even More Dire Warnings 1022
'Dystopia on the Doorstep.' The Global North Is Next - Pakistan Climate Minister 0922
Climate Change Has Come for the World’s Largest Greenhouse Gas Emitter, China 0922
Failure to Slow Warming Will Set Off Climate ‘Tipping Points' 0922’
China's Fragile Economy Is Being Hammered by Driest Riverbeds since at Least 1865 - 0822
Pace of Climate Change Sends Economists Back to Drawing Board 0822
China's Fragile Economy Is Being Hammered by Driest Riverbeds since at Least 1865 - 0822
China Plans Cloud Seeding to Protect Grain Crop from Drought 0822
China Shuts Factories, Rations Electricity as Heat Wave Stifles Economy 0822
Iraq Broils in Dangerous 120° Heat as Power Grid Shuts Down 0822
Climate Change’s Impact Intensifies, Led by Arctic 0822
Climate Endgame - Risk of Human Extinction ‘Dangerously Under-Explored’ 0822
No Longer 1-in-100-Year Events, Experts Say It’s Time to Plan for Disasters 0722
How the Climate Crisis Is Forever Changing Our National Parks 0722
Alarming Climate Data Puts Pressure on Rich Nations to Share Green Tech 0522
What to Expect from the World’s 6th Mass Extinction 0122
Brazil’s Extreme Weather Is Flooding Mines, Drying Up Crops 0122
US Hit by 20 Separate $ Billion Climate Disasters in 2021 - NOAA 0122
More than 40% of Americans Live in Counties Hit by Climate Disasters in 2021 - 0122
2018-2020 Articles
To See Climate Change in Action, Just Look in Your Own Backyard 1021 - more mosquitoes, no bumblebees, hotter nights depress tomato yields & quality, allergies, asthma, more tiock diseases, extrreme heat, newly unfrozen logging rivers/roads, drought empties rural areas, loss of salmon habitat, etc.
3.5 Americans Create Enough Carbon Emissions to Kill 1 Person 0721 - 4,434 metric tonnes of CO2 yields 1 person dying this century from increased temperature. 904 deaths from operating a tyoical US coal power plant for 1 year. Eliminating planet-heating emissions by 2050 would save an expected 74 million lives around the world this century. It would take 3.5 Americans, 25 Brazilians or 146 Nigerians to kill 1 person. - take 1. See take 2 below in the “Refugees” section.
Amid Summer of Fire and Floods, a Moment of Truth for Climate Action 0721 - June’s scorching temperatures, followed by a fast-moving wildfire, erased a Canadian town. More than a million people are close to starvation amid Madagascar’s worst drought in decades. In Siberia, 10s of 1,000s of square miles of forest are ablaze, potentially unleashing carbon stored in the frozen ground below.
‘Collapse of Civilization is the Most Likely Outcome’ - Top Climate Scientists 0620 - A “global tipping cascade” could take us to a less habitable “Hothouse Earth” climate. 9 of 15 identified tipping points have been activated.
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2021 Climate Disasters - ‘Extraordinary Is No Longer Extraordinary’ 1221 - Four scientists reflect on 2021 and beyond.
2021 Arctic Report Card Reveals Cascading Disruptions, Extreme Events, Global Connections 1221
How Climate Change May Shape the World in Centuries to Come 1121 - up to +4.6°C by 2500 impacts
Climate Change Threatens over 100 Million People in Africa 1021
US Agencies Made a List of Most Worrisome Climate Threats 1021
What’s the Worst That Could Happen? 0921
Climate Crisis Will Wreak Havoc on Australian Economy if Coal Isn’t Phased Out 0921
Overlapping Disasters Expose Harsh Climate Reality - the U.S. Is Not Ready 0921
The Top 6 Cities Most at Risk from Climate Change 0921
Many Measures of Earth’s Health Are at Worst Levels on Record - NOAA 0821
1 Billion Children at ‘Extreme Risk’ from Climate Impacts – UNICEF 0821
Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States 0920 - See Overviews page or original URL for the maps.
Feedbacks and Tipping Points - Big Uncertainties about Future Warming 0821
UK Already Undergoing Disruptive Climate Change 0721
Crushing Climate Impacts to Hit Sooner than Feared - Draft UN Report 0621
Climate Change Tipping Points Are upon Us. Draft U.N. Report Warns - 'The Worst Is Yet to Come' 0621
Earth Tipping Points Could Destabilize Each Other, in Domino Effect 0621
Global Warming May Have Already Passed Irreversible Tipping Point in Arctic 0621
Climate Tipping Points Could Topple like Dominoes 0621
U.S. Has Entered Unprecedented Climate Territory, EPA Warns 0521
Climate Change Is Making Big U.S. Problems Bigger 0521
Cities Will Be Hit Hardest by Climate Change 0421
How the World Will Look in 2050 if We Don’t Cut Carbon Emissions 50% by 2030 - 0420
Climate Change Hit Poorest Countries Hardest in 2019 - 0121
Half of India’s Population Is Vulnerable to Extreme Climate Events 1220
World Risks Becoming 'Uninhabitable Hell' for Millions, unless Leaders Take Climate Action - UN 1020
1/5 of Countries Risk Ecosystem Collapse 1020
2nd Trump Term Would Be 'Game Over' for Climate - Top Scientist Michael Mann 1020
Covid Crisis Will Be Overshadowed by Climate Threat, Engie Says 0520
Professor Sees Climate Mayhem Lurking Behind Covid-19 Outbreak 0320
The Planet’s Largest Ecosystems Could Collapse Faster than We Thought 0320
JP Morgan Economists Warn Climate Crisis Is Threat to Human Race 0220
The End of Australia as We Know It 0220
New Australia Summer - Fire Rains on Beaches, Red Skies, Billion Animals Killed 0120
Australia Is Burning; Dangerous Climate Change Is Here with You Now 0120
View to 2050 - Flooded Cities, Forced Migration, Amazon Turns to Savannah 1219
Rapid Arctic Warming Driving Rising Seas, Extreme Heat, Drought in the US 1219
Climate Change Is Accelerating - ‘Things Are Getting Worse’ 1219 - take 1 on study. See Overviews page, for original Commentary in Nature journal.
9 Climate Tipping Points Now ‘Active,' Warn Scientists 1119 - take 2
Climate Emergency - World ‘May Have Crossed Tipping Points’ 1119 - take 3
Our Planet May Be Barreling toward a Tipping Point 1119 - take 4
Want to Know What Climate Change Feels like? Ask an Alaskan. 1019
What an Ice-Free Arctic Really Means, and Why It Matters So Much 0919
Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change 0819
Alaska's Hottest Month Ever - Melting Sea Ice, Wildfires, Unexpected Die-Offs 0819
Climate Crisis Reducing Land’s Ability to Sustain Humanity, Says IPCC 0819
Catastrophic Effects from Climate Change-Related Events in B.C. in 30 Years 0819
No System of Government Designed by Human Beings Can Survive What the Climate Crisis Will Bring 0619
Food, Water, Electricity Shortages from Climate Change Are Destroying Djibouti 0619
Climate Change Apocalypse to End Civilization Could Start by 2050 unless We Act 0619 - take 1 on study
Climate Change Could Pose 'Existential Threat' by 2050 - 0619 - take 2
Climate Change Makes Poor Countries Poorer, Widening Global Inequality 0419
Future Arctic Won't Look like the Arctic We Know Now 0419
On Buying Insurance and Ignoring Cost-Benefit Analysis 0419
Climate Change Hits Canada Twice as Hard as Other Countries 0419
Climate Change - Global impacts 'Accelerating' - WMO 0319
UN's ‘Dire' Warning- Act Now on Earth's Environment as Human Health ‘Increasingly Threatened' 0319
A Year of Climate Change Evidence - Notes from a Science Reporters Journal 0219
No Place on Earth – Not Even Hawaii – to Escape Climate Change, Experts Say 0219
Scientists Say These 10 Major Cities could Become Unlivable within 80 Years 0219
Wildfires, Hurricanes, Other Extreme Weather Cost US 247 Lives, Nearly $100 Billion in 2018 - 0219
Extreme Weather Shatters Records around the World 0219
US Climate Change Skeptics Live Mostly Where Its Effects Hurt the Economy Most 0119
Here’s How Climate Change Is Hitting Middle America 0119
Predicting a Complex Climate Domino Effect 1218
Collapse of Civilization Is on the Horizon – David Attenborough 1218
Lake Erie Faces Dire Future 1218
Climate Change Clobbers Colorado & the West, with Fire, Drought, Insects, Heat 1218
4th US Climate Assessment Says Damage Is ‘Intensifying across the Country’ 1118
Biodiversity Collapse Imminent in World’s Tropics 1118
New Climate Change Report Highlights Grave Dangers for Vietnam 1018
5 Ways Climate Change Could Alter Life in South Carolina after 2030 - 1018
Why India Needs to Worry about Climate Change 1018
In Alaska, Everyone’s Grappling with Climate Change 1018
Climate Change Will Make the Next Global Crash the Worst 1018
Climate Disasters Cause Global Economic Losses to Soar 1018
'Tipping Points' Could Exacerbate Climate Crisis, Scientists Fear 1018
The World Has Just over a Decade to Get Climate Change under Control 1018
We Have 12 Years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN 1018
Charge €30 a Tonne for CO2 to Avoid Catastrophic 4°C Warming 1018
Climate Change Is a Chronic Condition 0918 - analogy to diabetes
'Apocalyptic Threat' - Dire Climate Report Raises Fears for California's Future 0818
What Climate Change Looks Like In 2018 - 0718
The Guardian View on Climate Change - a Global Heat Wave 0718 - very brief overview
Half of South Asia Living in Vulnerable Climate ‘Hotspots' - World Bank 0618 - take #2 on study
Young Will Pick Up Climate Change Bill, Advisers Warn 0618
Global Warming Cooks Up 'a Different World' over 3 Decades 0618
Risks to the US Economy from Climate Impacts in China 0518
Global Warming Will Depress Economic Growth in Trump Country 0518
2° No Longer Seen as Global Warming Guardrail 0418
Dangerous Biodiversity Decline Threatens Livelihoods, Food and Water Security 0318
Stark Differences in Climate Impacts Between 1.5 and 2°C of Warming 0318
'Collapse of Civilization Is a Near Certainty within Decades.’ - Paul Ehrlich 0318
climate change, overpopulation, overconsumption, toxification
India Is the Country Most Vulnerable to Climate Change 0318
All of Europe’s 571 Cities Are Destined for Worse Heat Waves, Droughts, Floods 0218
Global Warming in South Asia - 800 Million at Risk - World Bank 0618 - take #1 on study
2017 Articles and earlier
Hurricanes and Heat Waves - Stark Signs of Climate Change ‘New Normal’ 1217
Climate Change Is Happening Faster Than Expected, and It’s More Extreme 1217
The Impact of Global Warming in the Land of Santa Claus 1217
Floods, Droughts, and India's Uncertain Climate Future 1117
The World at 3°C - What It Means for 5 Cities 1117
From Everglades to Kilimanjaro, Climate Change Is Destroying World Wonders 1117
Haiti Tops Index of Nations Worst-Hit by Extreme Weather in 2016 - 1117 - $3.16 trillion worldwide damages over 20 years
Massive Government Report Says Climate Is Warming, Humans Are the Cause 1117 - take 2
Massive US Report Finds Climate Change 92-123% Manmade 1117 - take1
Climate Change to Affect 10 Million Americans by 2075, CBO Warns 1117
Climate Change Is Already Bringing Disease, Air Pollution and Heat Waves 1017
'We Will Be Toasted, Roasted and Grilled'- IMF Chief’s Climate Change Warning 1017
California’s New Normal? Ever More Intense Heat, Fires, Droughts and Floods 1017
Fires, Droughts, Hurricanes - Link between Climate Change, Natural Disasters? 0917
2016 Weather Report - Extreme and Anything but Normal 0817
World’s Young Face $535 Trillion Bill for Climate Change 0717
Scientists Challenge Magazine Story about ‘Uninhabitable Earth’ 0717 - quibbles about bits of the above summary
How Climate Change Is a 'Death Sentence' in Afghanistan's Highlands 0817
California’s Economy Will Suffer Plenty from Climate Change. At Least It’s Not Florida. 0717
Climate Change - Global Wildlife Reshuffle to Have Huge Impacts on Humanity 0317
State of the Warming Climate in 2016 - 'Truly Uncharted Territory’ 0317 broad & detailed blueprint, mostly technological, by decade of how to go carbon neutral (net-zero emissions) by 2050 and carbon-negative afterward.
Grim State of the Environment Report Warns Climate Change Impacts Could Be Irreversible 0317
Climate Change Poses Multi-Faceted Threat to Oregon, Report Says 0117
Europe Faces Droughts, Floods and Storms as Climate Change Accelerates 0117
UK’s Climate Change Risk Assessment – Heat Waves, Food Shortages, Floods 0117
How Gov. Scott Quietly Stole Florida's Future 1016 - saltwater intrusions, toxic algae blooms, cooling water too hot to make electricity, coral bleaching, sunny day flooding, Zika, dengue fever, West Nile virus, etc.
Crocodiles and Palm Trees in the Arctic? New Report Suggests Yes. 0516 - Take 1 on study
Burning All Fossil Fuels Could Yield Global Warmth Not Seen in 65 Million Years 0516 - Take 2 on study
World Could Warm by Massive 10°C, if All Fossil Fuels Are Burned 0516 - Take 3 on study
Climate Change Puts 1.3 Billion People, $158 Trillion at Risk, Says World Bank 0516
Humans Damaging the Environment Faster than It Can Recover, UN Finds 0516
Food System Shock - Climate Change's Greatest Threat to Civilization 0416
Urban Population Growth and Demand for Food Could Spark Global Unrest 0416
How Earth Itself Has Dramatically Upped the Stakes for the Paris Climate Accord 0416
Industrial Civilization on Track to Collapse of Production and Living Standards? 0416
China’s Latest Climate Change Assessment Depicts Somber Scenarios 1115
Failing Phytoplankton, Failing Oxygen - Global Warming Could Suffocate Life on Earth 1215
Indigenous Folk Worst Hit by Climate Change 1015
South Asia at Front Lines of Mounting Climate Costs - Asian Development Bank 0915
Obama Makes Urgent Appeal in Alaska for Climate Change Action 0815
Snowy Canada Endures Drought, Heat, Fires as Planet Gets Warmer 0815
Surge In ‘Danger Days’ Just around the Corner 0815
Point of No Return - Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here 0815
Vietnam Ready to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions 0815
Texas Facing Major Climate Change Impacts 0715
Society Will Collapse by 2040, Due to Catastrophic Food Shortages - GSI 0615
Climate Change Could Overwhelm California, Obama Adviser Says 0515
Asia-Pacific Highly Vulnerable to Climate Change 0515
Climate Change Set to Take Major Toll on Economy, Children's Health 0515
Over-Consumption, Climate Change Threaten Food, Water Supplies - FAO 0415
China Official Warns of Huge Impact from Climate Change 0315
Earth Has Exceeded 4 of the 9 Limits for Hospitable Life 0315
Why Fresh Water Shortages Will Cause the Next Great Global Crisis 0315
Midwest Climate Future- Missouri Becomes Like Arizona and Chicago Like Texas 0115
China Vulnerable to Climate Change - 3rd National Climate Assessment 0115
Drought, Heat and Ice - 2015 Could Be Tipping Point on Climate 1214
Here's What Will Happen This Century If We Don't Act on Climate Change 1214
Numbers Show How Pollution Has Changed Earth 1214
Global Warming Could Undercut Efforts to Eradicate Poverty 1114
Green Revolution Trebles Human Burden on Planet 1114
Capping Warming at 2°C Not Enough to Avert Disaster, Experts Warn 1114
IPCC Climate Change Synthesis Report Sees Risks of Irreversible Damage 1014
25 Devastating Effects Of Climate Change 1014
Big Climate Report - Warming Is Big Risk for People 0314
Climate Impacts 'Overwhelming' – UN 0314
Climate Inaction to Be 'Catastrophe’ 0314
Wake Up to the Reality of Climate Change 0314
Warming Can Lead to Warmer Tempers, Worsening Global Security - IPCC 0314
U.N. Says Lag in Confronting Climate Woes Will Be Costly 0114
Damage to Poor Countries from Climate Change Goes Far Beyond Money 1013
Extreme Weather Can Be the Most Important Cause of Poverty 1013
Tropics to Be 1st Region to Hit a New Climate Era 1013
Canada's 'Northern Amazon' on the Brink 0613 - MacKenzie River, challenged by tar sands
Texas Models Diverse Climate Change Impacts 0413 - the great drought, groundwater loss, hurricanes
The 7 Most Alarming Effects of Climate Change on North America 0213 - wildfires, drought in Great Lakes, Northwest floods, nasty Nor'easters, hurricanes, tornados, West Nile virus
Warmest Decade Brings Record Temperatures and Weather Extremes 0213
The Scary Truth About How Much Climate Change is Costing You 0213 - pushes seas into Norfolk streets, kills Oregon oysters, shuts Mississippi River shipping, hits agriculture and thermal power plants. Wall Street pays attention.
Climate Change Creating a New World 0213
Canadian Health Threatened by Dramatic Warming 0113
Rising Temps Could Change Midwest Landscape 0113
Southwest Faces Looming Threats from Climate Change 0113
Climate Change in Hawaii Is Here 0113
Climate Change Threatens the American West 1112
Climate Change Evident Across Europe 1112
Weather Extremes Damage Parts of US Infrastructure 0712 - rails, roads, airports, power plants & wires, water & sewers
Green Decline May Bring Irreversible Change 0612
Plan Now for More Disasters - IPCC 0312
UK Climate Impacts, First Report 0112
Expect More Weather Extremes - IPCC 1111
7 Ways Climate Change Threatens Our Health 0911 - heat waves; asthma & allergies; spread of infectious diseases; pests & diseases of forests & crops; more winter ice & snow storms; drought; food shortages
Pay Now, Pay Later - Wisconsin 0811
Europe's Future Climate Impacts 0111
Earth, 2300 - Too Hot for Humans 0510
Global Crisis to Hit by 2030 - 0309 - food, water & energy shortages
Climate Change Point of No Return 0109 - Temperatures will stay high till after 3,000 AD.
Invasive Species Consumes 25% of Earth's Productivity 1007 - us
Rapid Climate Change Growing Likelier 1208
Climate Change Accelerating Far Beyond IPCC Forecast 1008
Global Changes from Warming 0508
US Economic Impacts of Climate Change and the Costs of Inaction - CIER 1007 - PDF, 52 pp
Cloudy with a Chance of Chaos 0106 - Fortune magazine. Civilization developed in a period of climate stability. We are leaving that period. Scientific consensus on climate change is like the medical consensus on smoking. US grain exports could vanish, property values plummet, terrorists multiply, etc. We'll get insurance premium hell.
The Uninhabitable Earth
Doomsday - Peering beyond Scientific Reticence
“Fears of sea-level rise ... are barely scratching the surface of what [is] possible."
Heat Death - The Bahrain-ing of New York
The End of Food - Praying for Cornfields in the Tundra
Climate Plagues - What Happens When the Bubonic Ice Melts?
Unbreathable Air - A Rolling Death Smog That Suffocates Millions
The Perpetual War - The Violence Baked into Heat
Permanent Economic Collapse - Dismal Capitalism in a Half-Poorer World
Poisoned Oceans - Sulfide Burps off the Skeleton Coast
The Great Filter - Our Present Eeriness Cannot Last
This is a summary of many, many studies, across many facets of climate research. It is based on interviews over the past several months with "the most credentialed and tenured scientists in the field, few of them inclined to alarmism and many advisers to the IPCC who nevertheless criticize its conservatism." They "have quietly reached an apocalyptic conclusion, too: no plausible program of emissions reductions alone can prevent climate disaster.”
The Unvarnished Truth about Climate Change 0817 - Tampa, Florida’s take on 0817 draft National Climate Assessment
Draft National Climate Assessment Finds Drastic Climate Change Impact on US 0817
“Evidence for a changing climate abounds, from the top of the atmosphere to the depths of the oceans.”
“Many lines of evidence demonstrate that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse (heat-trapping) gases, are primarily responsible for recent observed climate change…. There are no alternative explanations, and no natural cycles are found in the observational record that can explain the observed changes in climate. (Very high confidence)
“Even if humans immediately stopped emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, the world would still feel at least an additional 0.5°F (0.3°C) of warming over this century, compared with today. The projected actual rise, scientists say, will be as much as 2°C.
Section Map: Costs, Wars, Migrate +