Glacier Experts Uncover Critical Flaw in Sea-Level Rise Predictions 0125.rtf
Climate Crisis ‘Wreaking Havoc’ on Earth’s Water Cycle 0125.rtf
El Niño Has Ended. Here’s What That Means for a Streak of Record Heat. 0624
Extreme Cold Snaps Could Worsen as Climate Change Shifts Polar Vortex 0124
How Canada's Wildfires Are Warming the Stratosphere 0823
El Niño Is Here and the World Must Prepare for More Extreme Heat, WMO Warns 0723
El Niño Is Back, Poised to Turbocharge Extreme Weather 0623
How Wildfire Smoke from Australia Affected Climate Events Around the World 0523
With Global Warming of Just 1.2°C, Why Has the Weather Gotten So Extreme? 0323
Burning Trees in the Amazon Melts Snow in the Himalayas 0123
Loss of Arctic Sea Ice to Give Rise to More of Strong El Niños 0922
UN Weather Agency Predicts Rare ‘Triple-Dip’ La Niña over 2020-22 - 0822
Climate Change Is Killing People and Taking Trillions of Dollars 0722
Extreme Rainfall Will Be Worse, More Frequent than We Thought 0722
Climate Change Driving Multiple Extreme Weather Events Happening at Once 0622
Atmospheric River That Ravaged Yellowstone Is Part of Climate Change Pattern 0622
Shifts in El Niño May Be Driving Climates Extremes in Both Hemispheres 0322
Click for more
Weather, Climate Disasters Surge 5-fold in 50 Years 0921
‘No One Is Safe’ - Extreme Weather Batters the Wealthy World 0721
Global Warming Makes Extreme Weather a Regular Event 0621
How Climate Change Is Affecting Winter Storms 1220
Heat Waves Have Become Longer in Most of the World since 1950s 0720
Climate Change Has Made Summers Longer, Winters Dramatically Shorter 0620
Black Carbon Is Supercharging El Niño 0420
Melting Arctic Sea Ice May Be Altering Winds, Weather at Equator 0120
Extreme Weather Has Created a Climate Emergency 0919
What an Ice-Free Arctic Really Means, and Why It Matters So Much 0919
Climate Change Has Increased Humidity in D.C., Making It Feel Even Hotter 0819
Rising Humidity Makes Even Modest Heat Waves Unbearable as Climate Changes 0819
Global Warming Intensifies ‘New Climate Regime’s ‘Extraordinary’ Heat Waves 0619
Climate Change Has Made Urban Pollution and Thunderstorms More Destructive 0219
2017 Broke Records for Extreme Weather 1218
Last 3 Years Were Hottest on Record, Severe Weather Hits 2018 - U.N. 0318
Global Warming Makes Weather Events More Extreme than Possible without It 1217
Fires, Droughts, Hurricanes - Link between Climate Change, Natural Disasters? 0917
Weather Disasters to Impact 2 out of 3 Europeans by 2100, Study Says 0817 - European Commission sponsor
When It’s Hot, Plants Become a Surprisingly Large Source of Air Pollution 0517
It’s Like It Never Left - Another El Niño May Be on the Way 0417
Carbon Pollution Linked to Extreme Weather Again 0417
‘Human Fingerprint’ Found on Global Extreme Weather 0317
Global Warming's Fingerprints Seen in 24 Weird Weather Cases 1216
An Unusually Warm Arctic Year - Sign of Future Climate Turmoil? 1216
Pollution from India and China Has Reached the Stratosphere 1116
Stratosphere Shrinks, as Record Heating Continues, due to Climate Change 1116
Climate Data since Vikings Cast Doubt on More Wet, Dry Extremes 0416
El Niño’s Disastrous Worldwide Consequences Are Just Getting Started 0316
Some Extreme Weather Now Reliably Linked to Climate Change 0316
Global Warming Already Driving Increases in Rainfall Extremes 0316
U.S. Forecaster Sees La Niña Possibly Succeeding El Niño 0316
The Mystery of the Expanding Tropics 0216 - Why are they AND sub-tropics spreading far faster than models predict?
Fire, Floods, Tornadoes - Fatal Weather Rounds out a Year of Extremes in 2015 -1215
Global Warming's Fingerprints Are All over Recent Extreme Weather 1115
Global Warming Linked to Greater Number of Hurricanes near Hawaii 1115
Is a Strong El Niño on the Horizon? Forecasters Say Count on It 0715
Most Extreme Weather Has Climate Change Link 0615
The Deadly Combination of Heat and Humidity 0615
'Substantial' El Niño Event Predicted 0515
El Niño Could ‘Disrupt Food Markets' 0515
Welcome to the 'Double El Niño' — and More Extreme Weather 0315
Why China's Pollution Could Be Behind Our Cold, Snowy Winters 0315
Global Warming Could Make Blizzards Worse 0115
How Global Warming Is Making Heat Waves and Precipitation More Extreme 1114
Storm Warning - Southern Ocean's Winds of Climate Change 0714
In Extreme Weather, More Sign of Human Fingerprints 0914
Tropical Storms Migrate Toward Poles 0514
Asian Air Pollution Strengthens Pacific Storms 0414
Wilder Winds, Less Rain, as Roaring Forties Become Furious Fifties 0414
Pollution Yields Larger, Deeper, Longer-Lived Clouds, So Colder Days, Warmer Nights 1113
New Rainfall Pattern Is 'Fingerprint' of Climate Change 1113
Man-made Climate Change Helped Set Stage for Wild 2012 Weather 0913
Climate Extremes Are Unprecedented 0713
El Niño Unusually Active in Late 20th Century 0613
Warmest Decade Brings Record Temperatures and Weather Extremes 0213
2012 Another Record for Weather Extremes 1212
IPCC Extreme Weather Events 2012 - PDF Its 2 map-graphs are quite complex.
2011 Set Record for Weather Extremes 0112
Section Map: Weather & Sea Level Rise