Fire-Whipping Los Angeles Winds Are at the Heart of a Climate Riddle 0125.rtf
Massive Melon-Size Hail Could Be a Texas Record 0624
Florida Flooding Emergency Worsens as Thunderstorms Line Up 0624
Why This Tornado Season, Not Even Halfway Over, Has Been So Unusual 0524
Storms Cut Power for Nearly 1 Million Customers in Texas - for Multiple Days 0524
Tornado Behavior Is Changing in a Warmer World. How We Can Prepare. 0524
Giant Hail Is the Weather Threat Keeping Insurers Up at Night 0524
What Are Atmospheric Rivers? Why Do They Hit California Especially? 0224
Powerful Winds Are Battering US Midwest at Increasing Rates 1123
Extreme Texas Heat Linked to Giant Methane Releases 0823
43 Million People across South Risk Severe Weather Battering the Region 0623
Blackouts Loom for Most of US in Extreme Summer-Heat Scenario 0523
How Climate Change Made the Mississippi Tornadoes More Likely 0323
‘Once-a-Century’ Weather Events Are Occurring Ever More Often 0123
It’s January, but Tornadoes Keep Spinning Up like It’s April 0123
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Deadly Winter Storm Exposes Deep Flaws of US Energy System 1222
Tornadoes in the Southeast Are Getting Worse and They’re Often the Deadliest 1122
What Happened to Autumn? Scientists Point to Climate Change 1122
Western Wildfires Are Fueling Extreme Weather in Other States 1022
Climate Change Makes Lightning More Likely. Here’s Why That’s a Big Deal. 0822
Atmospheric River That Ravaged Yellowstone Is Part of Climate Change Pattern 0622
Violent Storms Blast Upper Midwest with Hurricane-Force Winds, Dust 0522
Record Heat Fueling Severe Storms, Tornadoes in Central U.S. 0522
1/3 of Americans Faced Extreme Weather in Recent Years 0422
Weather Disasters Affected 1 in 10 US Homes Last Year 0222
December Brings Record Spate of Hurricane-Force Winds across the Central US 1221
December Tornadoes Are Part of ‘New Normal’ in Changed Climate - FEMA Chief 1221
Tornadoes Tear through South and Midwest. At Least 70 Dead in Kentucky. 1221
Nowhere Is Ready for This Heat 0621 - US Northwest records for hottest temperature ever include Portland 116°F (7° hotter than previous record), Salem 117°, Hermiston OR 118°, and Seattle 108° (5° hotter than previous record).
Pacific Northwest Heat Wave Shatters Temperature Records 0621
Records Crushed in Pacific Northwest amid Historic Heat Wave 0621 - New hottest temperature ever records were also notably higher the previous ones i in Eugene and The Dalles OR, and Olympia, Hoquiam, and Stampede Pass WA.
Your Weather Forecast Update - Warmer Climate Will Be the New Normal 0421
Drought-Breaking Rains Have Grown Rarer, More Erratic in US West 0421
Hail Is America’s Most Underrated Climate Risk 0221
California’s Rainy Season Now Starts a Month Later than It Used to 0221
Kentucky’s Climate Is Suffering 0920
California Has 1st Rolling Blackouts since 2001, as Heat Wave Bakes Western US 0820
Dangerously Intense, Prolonged, and Humid Heat Wave for Most of California 0820
Extreme Weather Just Devastated 10 Million Acres in the Midwest. Expect More. 0820
As July Sizzles, Here’s How Climate Change Affects Weather 0720
Dry Lightning Risk Rises in U.S. West, Thanks to Tardy Monsoon 0720
In Dozens of Cities East of the Mississippi River, Winter Never Really Happened 0320
Climate Change Shrinks Winter Snow in the South, in Fall and Spring Elsewhere 0220
Monsoon Rains Have Become More Intense in the U.S. Southwest 0719
May Was the 2nd-Wettest Month in the U.S. since 1895 - 0619
Climate Change and Tornadoes - a Succinct Guide to What We Know 0519
Wettest 12 Months in US Record Left It Drought-Free. But Flooding Is Rampant 0519
North America’s Arid / Humid Boundary Has Shifted 140 Miles East due to Global Warming 0418
Researchers See Shift in Tornado Activity 0218
Why So Cold? Climate Change May Be Part of the Answer 0118
Trump Tweets that ‘Cold' East Coast ‘Could Use a Little Bit of' Global Warming 1217
Scientists Concerned about Increased Humidity in Mason City, Iowa 0817
It’s So Hot in Phoenix That Planes Can’t Take Off 0617
Super-Cold Winters in the UK and US Are Due to Arctic Warming 1016
Extreme Tornado Outbreaks Are Becoming More Extreme 1216
Human-Caused Warming Drove 2015’s Record Snow Drought in West Coast States 1116
Ellicott City, Maryland Gets Once a Millennium Rainfall 0716
Flooding In Europe. Texas Suffers 500-Year Flood for 2nd Year in a Row. 0616
Meltdown - More Rain, Less Snow as the World Warms 0416
Do Pacific Waters Give Early Warning of East Coast Heat Waves? 0316
US East Coast Snowstorms Linked to Slowdown of Atlantic Current 0116
Number of US Blizzards Doubled in Past 20 Years 0116
What Happened to El Niño? Be Patient, L.A., It'll Come, Expert Says 0116
Most Powerful El Niño Storm of the Winter Hits California 0116
Latest Forecast Suggests 'Godzilla El Niño' May Be Coming to California 0815
Is a Strong El Niño on the Horizon? Forecasters Say Count on It 0715
Across the U.S., Heaviest Downpours on the Rise 0515
Scientists Warn to Expect More Weather Extremes 0515
Drought Making California's Air Quality Worse, American Lung Assn. Says 0415
Lake Tahoe’s Winter, Way of Life Threatened by Drought, Climate Change 0315
Why China's Pollution Could Be Behind Our Cold, Snowy Winters 0315
Hey Boston, Alaska called. It wants its snow and cold weather back. 0215
Climate Change in Minnesota - More Heat, More Big Storms 0215
Global Warming Could Make Blizzards Worse 0115
US Study Finds Tornadoes Coming in Swarms 1014
Tornadoes Coming Earlier in 'Tornado Alley’ 0914
Tornado Outbreaks Could Have a Climate Change Assist 0814
Higher Pacific Temperatures Bring Monsoons to Southland 0814
California Drought - El Niño Probability Raised to 78% for Next Winter 0514
Air Quality Gains Could Be Eroded by Drought, Climate Change 0414
Will Global Warming Produce More Tornadoes? 0414
Hot West, Cold East May be the Norm as World Warms 0414
US Winter Outlook Dominated by Dire Drought News 1113
Yup'ik Villages Ravaged by Fierce Alaska Storms 1113
Tornado Damages Paducah Nuclear Fuel Plant 1113
Record June Heat in US Southwest 0613
Rain - Sign of the Times in Philadelphia? 0613
Drought, Flood Signal Iowa's Future 0613
Increased Rate of Weather Disasters in Ohio Linked to Global Warming 0513
Wild Weather Swings May Be a Sign of Climate Change 0413
Warming Has Doubled Risk of Katrina Surges 0313
Midwest Increase in Heavy Rainfalls Over 60 Years 0313
Heavier Rainfall in Midwest from Warming 0313
Has Abnormal Become the New Extreme Normal Weather? 0313
Climate Change Worsens Northeast Storms - Trenberth, NCAR 0213
Sandy Leaves East Coast Vulnerable 0113
2012 Is US' 2nd Costliest Year 1212
Poor Hit Hardest by Extreme Weather 1112
How Much Climate Change Was In Hurricane Sandy 1112
Pacific Patterns Tied to Violent Tornado Outbreaks 1012
June US Heat Wave Records 0612
US Hit by Record 12 Weather Events Exceeding $1B in 2011 1211
Irene Sets Record As the 10th $ B Loss Event in US in One Year 0911
US Weather Losses Tie Annual Record 0811
So Many US Weather Extremes Never Seen Before in a Single Month 0611
US Tornadoes by Year & Rating 0413 - PDF graph
Intense Rains in US Midwest Doubled Since 1960 - 0512 (heavy = the heaviest 1% of all daily events)
Observed US Trends in Heavy Rain (1.0 + Relative #)
% Change in Heavy Precipitation by Region
Section Map: Weather & Sea Level Rise