Air Pollution

2021-2024 Articles

Expert Warns of Public Health Emergency, as Delhi's Toxic Air Returns 1224

Air Pollution Likely Killed 3.8 Million Indians over 2009-2019 - 1224

Here’s How Much Cleaner Energy Could Save the US, in Lives and Money 1224

Some of the World’s Biggest Cities Are So Polluted, They’re Warming Slower 1224

EPA Proposes Limits on Harmful Pollutant from Power Plants 1124

Inhaling Delhi’s Polluted Air Is like Smoking 50 Cigarettes a Day 1124

Emergency Declared as Smog Chokes Parts of India and Pakistan 1124.

Aquatic Ecosystems Aren’t Immune to Wildfire Impacts 0924

Amazon Jungle Fires Spew Toxic Smoke to Brazil’s Largest City 0924

Smoke from Increasing Wildfires Threatens Farmworkers 0824

Heat Can Increase Air Pollution Inside Cars by Up to 40,000 Times 0724

Almost 2,000 Children Die Every Day from Air Pollution 0624 - corresponds to about 3 million deaths per year, or 3% of total deaths

Canada Wildfire Smoke Triggers Outdoor Air Quality Alerts across US Midwest. It Pollutes Indoors Too, Maybe Worse. 0524

Warming Climate Threatens Worse Air Quality in Already Polluted Kathmandu 0424

131 Million Americans Live in Areas with Unhealthy Pollution Levels 0424

US Air Quality Got Worse in 2023, Thanks to Canada’s Wildfire Smoke 0324

World’s 100 Most Polluted Cities Are in Asia, 83 of Them in India 0324

Switch to Electric Vehicles Could Prevent Millions of US Child Illnesses by 2050 - 0224

Climate Change Reversing Gains in Air Quality across the U.S. 0224

A Growing Climate Threat Is Putting Californians’ Health at Risk 0224

Wildfire Smoke Is Eroding Decades of Air Quality Improvements 0923

The Terrible Paradox of Air Pollution and Climate Change 0923

Extreme Heat Makes Air Quality Worse. That's Bad for Health. 0923

Wildfire Smoke Threatens to Wipe Out Decades of Air Pollution Progress 0823

Domestic Oil & Gas Production Led to $77 Billion a Year in Health Impacts 0723

U.S. Truck Makers Reach Deal to Phase Out Polluting Diesel Big Rigs 0723

Heat Waves Are Unleashing a Deadly but Overlooked Pollutant - Ozone 0623

In 2022, Europe’s Cruise Ships Pumped Out More Sulfur than 1 Billion Cars 0623

New York City ER Asthma Visits Soared as Wildfire Smoke Blanketed Region 0623

Wildfire Smoke Reacts with City Pollution, Creating New Toxic Air Hazard 0623

Wildfire Smoke Blots Sun and Prompts Health Hazard Alerts across the Northeast U.S. 0623

Move to Electric Vehicles Could Save Nearly 90,000 Lives in US by 2050 - 0623

Years of Breathing Traffic Pollution Increases Death Rates 0423

Heat, Drought and Fires Worsen Air in the US West 0423

How to Lower Your Health Risk from Gas Stoves 0123

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Biden Administration Moves to Tighten Limits on Deadly PM2.5 Air Pollutoin 0123

Wind Energy’s Health Benefits Could Quadruple by Dialing Down Fossil Fuels 1222

Tiny Air Pollution Particles Appear More Deadly if from Human-Made Sources 1022

EU Targets ‘Zero Pollution’ by 2050 to Curb Premature Deaths 1022

Why Seattle Currently Has the Worst Air Quality in the World 1022

Hotter, More Humid, but Cleaner - How LA’s Air Has Changed 0922

Major Cities Blighted by Nitrogen Dioxide Pollution 0822

California’s 2020 Wildfire Pollution Likely Offset Decades of Air Quality Gains 0622

Air Pollution Worse for Global Lifespan than Cigarettes or Alcohol 0622

Wildfire Made Air Pollution in Las Vegas, New Mexico Reach 9 X Healthy Limit 0622

Pollution Caused 1 in 6 Deaths Globally for 5 Years 0522

Cutting US Fossil Fuel Air Pollution Would Save 50,000 Lives a Year 0522

That Backyard Fire Produces Hazardous Levels of Air Pollution 0522

Western Wildfires Reverse U.S. Clean Air Gains 0422

Why Tracking Wildfire Smoke Will Be Crucial for Everyone as Earth Warms 0422

Smoke from Pacific Northwest Wildfires Is Erasing Emission Reductions 0422

US Transition to Electric Vehicles Would Save Over 100,000 Lives by 2050 - 0322

Coal Mining Emits More Methane Than Venting & Flaring from Gas and Oil Wells 0322

Smoke from Large Wildfires Seems to Damage the Ozone Layer 0322

Hitting Biden’s Greenhouse Goals Could Save Billions in Health-Related Costs 0222

Household Energy - Let’s Make the Healthy Choice the Easy Choice 0222 - Rural LPG cookstoves, in place of open  fire etc. stove would save over 1 million deaths a year from indoor air pollution.  But LPG is not always available and is often unaffordable to the poor people who newould benefit the most.

EPA Seeks to Prevent 1,000s of Early Deaths from Power Plant Air Pollution 0222 - up to 11,000 deaths a year

Even Low Levels of Soot Can Be Deadly to Older People 0122

Living near Fracking Wells Linked to Early Death 0122

Lower Vehicle Emissions Linked to Significant Drop in US Air Pollution Deaths 1221

Fuel Price Spikes, Covid Recovery May Push Clean Cooking Goals Out of Reach 1121 - 3.8 million people lose their lives to illness from household air pollution caused by cooking with unclean fuels such as wood, charcoal, coal, animal dung, and crop waste.  With less money, they cannot move to cleaner cooking sources.  10s of millions of polluting cooking fires also generate plenty of black carbon, which reinforces gloabl warming.

Climate Change Is Single Biggest Health Threat, WHO Says 1021

Wildfire Smoke Kills People in Cities Far from Fires 0921

Exposure to Air Pollution below Legal Limits Still Linked to Premature Deaths 0921 - 29.6% increase in mortality for 40% increase in PM2.5 in the US, below the 12 μg/m3 US limit.  Similarly, a 25% incresase in NO2, below half the EU’s limit was associated with a 9.9% mortality incfresase.

Air Pollution from Fossil Fuels Could Cut Lifespans Globally by 2.2 to 5 Years 0921 (5 in India, Nepal)

Reducing Carbon Emissions & Air Pollution Benefits the Global Economy 0821 - much of benefits soon are from reducing air pollutions deaths

Pristine Lake Tahoe Shrouded in Smoke from Threatening Fire 0821

Residents in Part of Northern California Warned to Stay Indoors due to Smoke from Massive Wildfires 0821

India’s Poor Face Much Higher Risk of Dying from Air Pollution than the Rich 0721

Wildfire Smoke Wiped Out U.S. Pandemic-Related Clean Air Gains in 2020 - 0321

California’s Wildfire Smoke Could Be More Harmful than Vehicle Emissions 0321

Trump’s Environmental Policies Killed 1,000s of People 0221 - In 4 years, perhaps 80,000 from air pollution, plus another 150,000-200,000 in 2020 and 2021 from mis-handling the covid pandemic

Fossil Fuels Killed 8.7 Million People Globally in 2018 - 0221 - about 1 in 7 deaths.  Used more geographically detaled data than previous studies

Wildfires Having Devastating Effect on Air Quality in Western US 0121

Clean Energy Could Save American Lives to Tune of $700 Billion per Year 1122  130 mcg/cu m is unhealthy.  The dark areas sometimes have 3-4 times that concentration and occasionally higher.

2017-2020 Articles

1 in 7 Americans Suffered Dangerous Air Quality This Year from Wildfires 0920

We’ll Have to Learn to Live with Smoke.  Here’s Why. 0920

Full Transition to Electric Cars Would Improve U.S. Air, Health 0920

For 3rd Consecutive Day, Portland’s Air Quality Is the Worst in the World 0920

Hotter Days as Climate Warms Could Reverse Cleaner Skies from Clean Air Laws 0920

Coal Generation Kills 800 a Year in Australia 0820

Air Pollution Is Much Worse than We Thought 0820 - Twice as bad.  Well-understood pathways capture only about half the total, based on Medicare data sets and air pollution levels.  It damages lungs, hearts, brains, skin and other organs.

US Could Avoid 4.5 Million Early Deaths by Fighting Climate Change 0820 - cleaner air from fewer fossil fuels burned

Northeast US Climate Initiative, RGGI, Has Made Children Healthier 0720

Intense Arctic Wildfires Set a Pollution Record 0720

Smog Caused 49,000 Deaths in Beijing, Shanghai in 2020, More Elsewhere 0720

Climate Change Fuels U.S. Dust Storms, with Dire Health Consequences 0720

Wildfires Are Taking an Unexpectedly Huge Toll on America’s Lungs 0620

South Asia’s Twin Threat - Extreme Heat and Foul Air 0520

Clean Air in Europe during Lockdown ‘Leads to 11,000 Fewer Deaths’ 0420

As Coal-Fired Power Plants Close, Our Skies Are Clearing 0420

Traffic and Pollution Plummet as U.S. Cities Shut Down for Coronavirus 0320

Heat Waves in 2019 Led to Almost 900 Extra Deaths in England 0120

Shuttering US Coal Plants Saved 26,000 Lives over a Decade 0120

Australian Fires Pushed Sydney's Air Quality 12 x Above 'Hazardous' Levels 1219

Wildfires Are Getting Worse.  So Is the Deadly Smoke They Bring with Them 1219

Renewables Could Be a Health Boon for Great Lakes, Upper Midwest Regions 1019

Cleaning Up China's Dirty Air Would Give Solar Energy a Huge Boost 0719

Due to Wildfires, California Now Has the Most Polluted Cities in the World 1118

Wildfire Smoke Chokes Out Large Swath of Alberta 0818

‘Serious Health Effects' of Wildfire Smoke across Western US, Warm Experts 0818

Choking on Beijing's Clean Air Costs 1217 - Switching 200,000 to 3.5-37.0 million rural households from dirty home coal stoves (bigger air polliution source than coal-fired power plants) to natural gas costs $1,250 to $1,540 per household.

India to Introduce Clean Fuels Faster to Combat Delhi Smog Crisis 1117 - Cut sulfur 80% in diesel, gasoline in 2018.

Change in the Air 1117 - mostly about industrial pollution, indoors.  But forest fires killed 100,000 in Indonesia in 2015, releasing more CO2 than India and Japan combined.

Breathing Fire 1117 - health impacts of smoke inhalation from recent US forest fires

Pollution Linked to 9 Million Deaths Worldwide in 2015 - 1017

Napa Fires Make San Francisco Air Worse than Beijing 1017

Air Pollution Kills Half a Million People a Year in Europe, EU Agency Reports 1017

China's Northern Cities Face Soot-Free Winter with Gas Revolution 1017

Extreme Wildfires Could Lead to Long-Term Lung Damage in the US 0917

How Much of Your Life Air Pollution Steals from You, Based on Where You Live 0917 - 3 years in north China, 4 in India (10 in New Delhi), a bit less than 1 in Los Angeles, very small amounts in much of the US

Renewable Energy Isn’t Just Cutting Costs, It’s Saving Lives 0817

Air Pollution Deaths Expected to Rise because of Climate Change 0717

Medical Experts Say Lending to Adani Is the Same as Supporting Big Tobacco 0617

Coal to Solar Switch Could Save 52,000 US Lives per Year 0617

Bangladesh Coal Plant Could Cause 6,000 Early Deaths 0517

Myanmar Coal Plant Growth Could Kill 280,000 - 0517

Converting Coal Would Help China's Smog at Climate's Expense 0417

Climate Change 'Makes Deadly China Pollution Worse' 0317

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap 0317

Push for Diesel Leaves London Gasping Amid Record Pollution 0217

Warmer World Is Making China’s Smog Woes Even Worse 0217

City of Beijing Vows 30% Cut in Coal Use in 2017, to Fight Smog 0217

100,000 Died from Indonesia’s Unpunished Air Pollution from Forest Fires in 2015 - 0217

Phasing Out Coal, Wood, Dung Cookstoves a ‘Win-Win’ for Climate and Health 0217

EPA under Scott Pruitt Could Add Billions to U.S. Health Care Costs 0117

Southeast Asia’s Coal Boom Could Cause 70,000 Deaths per Year by 2030 - 0117

Hazier Days in the High Country, Western U.S., due to Drought and Forest Fires 0117

2016 Articles and earlier

Top China Coal Province Vows 20% Cut in Pollution by 2020 - 1216

Smog Linked to 1/3 of Deaths in China 1216

Toxic Smog in World's Most Polluted City May Soon Hit Economy 1116

Paris Climate Targets to Cost Asia $300 Billion a Year, but Will Help Save Lives 0916

Hidden Cost of Death Is in the Air 0916 - 10% of GDP in China, 8% in India, etc. - World Bank

‘Smoke Waves’ Will Affect Millions in Coming Decades 0816 - PM2.5 from burning forests, not coal

Wildfire Smoke Problem Intensifies with Climate Change 0816 - PM2.5 from burning forests

Coal Burning Causes the Most Air Pollution Deaths in China 0816 - 366,000 a year.  Another 177,000 from transport, etc.

Coal Dust Kills 23,000 per Year in EU 0716

China’s Smog Knocks 2 Years off Life Expectancy – IEA 0616

Japan's Coal-Fired Plants 'to Cause 1,000s of Early Deaths’ 0516

Air Pollution Shortens Your Life in India by 3.4 Years, Worst  in Delhi 0516
    China’s decrease in life from air pollution appears worse.  See 0114 and 0815 articles below.

Australia’s Air Pollution Increases 69%, as Coal Named Top Polluter 0416

Greenhouse Gas Cuts May Prevent 295,000 US Deaths by 2030 - 0216

India’s Pollution Levels Beat China’s 0216

Polluted Air Causes 5.5 Million Deaths a Year 0216

Pollution Crisis Is Choking the Chinese Economy 0216 - cuts GDP 6.5% annually

Air Pollution Raises Risk of Death 'for Decades after Exposure' 0216

End of Fossil Fuels Won't Come Too Soon ror Millions Breathing Toxic Air 1215

Echoing Beijing, Poles Sound Alert on Rampant Smog 1215

In India, Mumbai's Mountains of Imported Coal Pose Health Hazard 1115

India's Coal-Fueled Economy Takes a Toll on Environment and Rural Villagers 1015

Enormous Social Cost of Cheap Coal 0915

US and Australian Taxpayers Pay Billions a Year to Fund Coal 0915

Coal Burning Costs UK £2.5-7.1 Billion Annually from Premature Deaths 0915

Is It Too Late to Stop Turkey's Coal Rush? 0815

Study Links Polluted Air in China to 1.6 Million Deaths a Year 0815

Health Groups Praise Obama Plan on Coal, Saying It Will Save Lives 0815

Kind of Blue - China’s Air Pollution Not as Terrible as Before 0715

How China, the World's Biggest Polluter, Is Dealing with Climate Change 0715

Coal in Poland Lowering Life Spans 0615

US Coal Industry Fighting for Survival on 7 Fronts 0615 - 7 sets of regulations, 2 of them about CO2

World’s Worst Air Spurs Modi’s $25 Billion Utility Clean-Up Push for India 0515

In China, a Tug of War over Coal Gas - Cleaner Air But Worse for the Climate 0515

China's Coal Usage Targeted in New Energy Plan 0315

Coal - Burning Up Australia’s Future 0315

China's ‘War' on Air Pollution May Emit More CO2, due to Scrubbers kWh Penalty 0315

Documentary on Air Pollution Grips China 0315

India vs China - Airpocalypse 0215

Mr. President, World’s Worst Air Is Taking 6 Hours Off Your Life 0115

Beijing’s Toxic Air Is Literally Off the Charts 0115

China Pollution - Beijing Smog Hits Hazardous Levels 0115

Ex-DoE Secretary Chu Sees Genuine China Coal Retreat 1214

Coal's Black Wind - Pregnant Women in Parts of India Advised to Stay Away 1114

Coal Rush in Horribly Polluted India Could Tip Balance on Climate Change 1114

For Central Heat, China Has a North-South Divide at Qin-Huai Line 1114

Cost of China's Dependence on Coal - 670,000 Deaths a Year 1114

Air Pollution Slashes India's Potential Grain Yields by Half 1114

South Africa’s Coal-Fired Power Stations Carry Heavy Health Costs 0914

China's 'War on Pollution' Sees Coal Drop for First Time in Century 0814

Smoggy Beijing to Ban Coal Use 0814

What Beijing Abandoning Coal Means (Add 16 Years to Beijinger's Life!) 0814

US Unveils Sharp Curbs on Coal Power Plants 0614

Justices Back Rule Limiting Coal Pollution 0414

EPA Scores Big Win to Limit Mercury in Power Plants 0414

World Must End 'Dirty' Fuel Use - UN 0414

Beijing's Air Pollution Is Shaving Up To 16 Years Off Chinese People's Lives 0114

"Clean Up Your Act," UN Climate Chief Urges Coal Industry 1113

Pollution Is Affecting Nature of China's Energy Market 1113

Measuring Longview Terminal's Potential Impact on Climate 1013

Kids Get Smog Day As Pollution Shuts Down China's Harbin 1013

China Wants to Cut Down on Coal - That's Bad for Global Warming 0913

How Climate Change Could Make Mercury Pollution Worse 0913

Cleaner Air from Tackling Climate Change Would Save Millions of Lives 0913

Coal Splutters as China Seeks Breath of Fresh Air 0913

China to Curb Coal Use to Combat Air Pollution 0913

New Coal-Fired Power Stations in Guangdong Will Kill Thousands 0813

Burning Coal Shortens Lives in China 0713

Supreme Court to Hear EPA Appeal on Cross-State Pollution Rule 0613

Europe's 300 Largest Coal Plants' Emissions Kill 22,300 a Year 0613

Coal-Fired Plant Emissions Near Beijing Killed 9,900 in 2011 0613

Beijing to Shut Coal-Fired Boilers to Clean Up Air 0513

Indian Coal Power Plants Kill 120,000 a Year 0313

Coal Burning Exacts Lethal Price in Europe: $55 Billion a Year 0313

Beijing Air Pollution Soars to Hazard Level 0113

Coal's Assault on Human Health - Physicians for Social Responsibility 1109 - PDF, 64 pp

Hidden Cost of China's Coal = $250B a Year 1008

     Fine (very small) particulates (PM2.5) have the worst health effects.

Section Map: Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Energy