
2020-2024 Articles

‘Virtually Any City on Earth Can Burn Now’ 0125.rtf

Fire-Whipping Los Angeles Winds Are at the Heart of a Climate Riddle 0125.rtf

Canadian Forests Becoming More Prone to Severe Wildfires 0125.rtf

3/4 of Earth’s Land Got Drier in Recent Decades - UN 1224

Drought Is Causing Saltwater to Creep up the Delaware River 1124

Why Future Droughts Will Not Be about Rain 1124

Worsened by Rising Temperatures, Water Challenges Threaten World’s Crops 1024

System That Moves Water around Earth Is Off Balance for 1st Time in Our History 1024

Climate Warning as World’s Rivers Dry Up at Fastest Rate for 30 Years 1024

The Power Outage and Heat Disaster That No Major U.S. City Is Prepared for 0924

‘The Land Is Becoming Desert’ - Drought Pushes Sicily’s Farming to the Brink 0824

‘We Can’t Let the Animals Die’ - Desertification Comes to Sicily Farmers 0724 - Sicily is becoming like Libya and Tunisia.

In Northeast Brazil, etc., Small Farmers on Exhausted Lands Face Desertification 0624

Mexico City Has Long Thirsted for Water. The Crisis Is Worsening. 0524

Peru Has Lost More than Half Its Water Reserves, as Glaciers Melt Rapidly 1123

Amazon Deforestation Linked to West Antarctic Melt and Less Snowfall in Tibet 1023

Climate Inferno Threatens to Turn Athens Into Outpost of Sahara 0723

Shrinking Inland Seas Expose Salty Particulates and More 0623

Drought Is on the Verge of Becoming the Next Pandemic 0623

Day Zero for Water Threatens Uruguay’s Capital 0623

A Breakthrough Deal to Keep the Colorado River from Going Dry, for Now 0523

Water Theft Proves Lucrative in a Dangerously Dry World 0423

As Earth Warms, More ‘Flash Droughts’ Suck Soil, Plants Dry 0423

Global Fresh Water Demand Will Outstrip Supply by 40% by 2030 - 0323

Why the Badly Needed Rains in California Could Fuel Catastrophic Fires 0223

Wet Winter Won’t Fix Colorado River Woes 0223

Crisis on the Rio Grande 0123 - cracked mud riverbed all the way downstream to Albuquerque, the river's 2nd largest city and largest in New Mexico

After Comeback, Southern Iraq’s Marshes Are Now Drying Up 0123

Great Salt Lake Will Disappear in 5 Years without Massive ‘Emergency Rescue’ 0123

Click for more

Fear ‘Complete Doomsday Scenario’ for Drought-Stricken Colorado River 1222

Over 600 Million Africans at Risk of Severe Droughts due to Climate Change 0922

Could the Drying Up of Europe’s Great Rivers Be the New Normal? 0922

Drifting Toward Disaster - the (2nd) Rio Grande 0922

The Heat Wave Crushing the West Previews Farmworkers’ Hot Future 0922

The World’s Rivers, Canals, and Reservoirs Are Turning to Dust 0822

China Drought Causes Yangtze to Dry Up, Sparking Hydropower Shortage 0822

Water Resources to Become Less Predictable with Climate Change 0722

How the Dust Bowl 90 Years Ago Prophesied Our Climate-Ravaged Future 0622

‘Consequences Will Be Dire’ - Chile’s Water Crisis Is Reaching Breaking Point 0622

The Vanishing Rio Grande – Warming Takes Its Toll 0622

Is My Home at Risk from Wildfire?  This Is How to Find Out 0522 - Maps of this are above, under Fires.

Report Warns London and Other World Cities Face Rising Risk of Drought 0522

California Braces for Extreme Summer Drought after Dismal Wet Season 0522

US Southwest Drought and Fires Are a Window to Our Climate Change Future 0522

West’s Megadrought Delivers Another Blow - Saving Glen Canyon Dam 0522

Record Low Water Levels Reveal Body in Barrel at Lake Mead 0522

Lake Powell Officials’ Stark Choice in West's Megadrought - Water or Electricity 0422

Droughts to Increase Human Migration at Least 200% - 0422

Mega-Drought Threatens California Power Blackouts This Summer 0422

Europe Faces a Future of Extreme Droughts 0422

Arizona’s Future Water Shock 0322

Deadly ‘Smoke Waves’ from Wildfires Set to Soar 0322

China Is Running Out of Water.  That’s Scary for Asia. 1221 - 7% of world’s watere for 20% of the people.  Large-scale diversions may have reaches their limits.  Dam-building in China deprives Thailand and Laos of water.  Desertification gobbles large chunks of China's land.  Water-related energy shortfalls have become common across China.

A Slow-Motion Climate Disaster - Brazil's Spread of Barren Land 1221

Mesopotamia – From Cradle to Grave 1021

U.N. Weather Agency Says World Ill-Prepared for Looming Water Crisis 1021

As the Climate Bakes, Turkey Faces a Future without Water 0921

A Thirstier Atmosphere - Why Fires Are Lasting Longer into the Night 0921

Cerrado Desertification - Savanna Could Collapse within 30 Years 0721

U.N. Warns Drought May Be 'the Next Pandemic’ 0621

60% of World’s Rivers Stop Flowing for at Least One Day a Year 0621

Extreme Drought and Fire Risk May Double by 2060 - 0121

More than 3 Billion People Affected by Water Shortages 1120

Australia’s Inland Rivers, Pulse of the Outback, to Be Unrecognizable by 2070 - 0920

In Parched Southwest, Warm Spring Renews Threat of ‘Megadrought’ 0720

World Population Facing Water Stress Could Double by 2050 as Climate Warms 0620

Australia's Water Is Vanishing 0620

Dust Bowl Conditions of 1930s Now More than Twice as Likely to Recur 0520

Future Droughts May ‘Eclipse’ Those of the Past 0420

Global Warming Threatens to Dry Out Europe’s Crop Fields 0420

Amazon Tipping Point Puts Brazil’s Agribusiness, Energy Sector at Risk 0220

Climate Change Is Drying Up the Colorado River, Putting Millions at Risk of ‘Severe Water Shortages' 0220

2017-2019 Articles

England Could Run Short of Water within 25 Years 0319

Slowing Climate Change Could Reverse Drying in the Subtropics 0219

The West’s Great River Hits Its Limits.  Will the Colorado Run Dry? 0119

Warming Winters, Dwindling Sierra Nevada Snowpack Squeeze California Water Resources 1218

Cape Town Should Brace for More Severe Droughts than It Had in 2018 - 1218

Colorado River Is Drying Up for 40 Million Americans Who Depend on It 1218

In the U.S. Southwest, ‘Drought’ Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story 0718 - “aridification” - changing toward desert

How Climate Change Is Worsening Nigeria’s Long-Running Land Conflict 0618 - aridification

Tehran Faces Crisis, as Iran’s Water Supply Runs Low 0618

It's So Dry, Forests Across the Southwest Are Closing 0618

As Warming Continues, Hot Drought Becomes the Norm, Not an Exception 0518

Water Shortages Could Affect 5 Billion People by 2050, UN Report Warns 0318

Water Crises Could Be Coming to Your Backyard 0318

Shrinking Mountain Snowpack, Drier Summers Spell Trouble for Vancouver Water Supply 0318

Water-Stressed Beijing Exhausts Its Options 0318

Western Canada's Risk of Water Shortages Rising 0318

The Sahara Is Growing, Thanks in Part to Climate Change 0318

1/4 of Land Will Be Drier, even Desertified, under 2°C Warming by 2050 - 0118

Australia Could Suffer from Droughts, Heat Waves as the Tropical Zone Expands 0717

One Meal a Day, as Lake Chad Vanishes 0617

Drylands Will Suffer if World Reaches 2°C 0417
They expand from 40% to 56% of Earth’s land surface.

Vanishing Nile Faces a Multitude of Threats 0417 - Salination in Egypt’s delta, huge Blue Nile dam

Dead Sea Warns of Unprecedented Drought 0317

World Water Day - 1 in 4 Children Will Live with Water Scarcity by 2040 - 0317

Amazon Jungle Faces Death Spiral of Drought and Deforestation, Warn Scientists 0317

Source of Mekong, Yellow and Yangtze Rivers Drying Up 0317

Global Warming Is Shrinking Colorado River, Vital to 40 Million People 0217

La Paz Adapts to a World without Water 0217

Mexico City, Parched and Sinking, Faces a Water Crisis 0217

When Climate Change Starts Wars 0217 - Central Asia becomes a tinder box as water is scarcer.

How Climate Change in Central Asia Threatens to Spark Regional Conflict 0117

A Witness to Iran’s Intensifying Struggle with Climate Change 0117

2016 Articles and earlier

Bolivian Water Crisis as Glaciers Vanish 1116

How Big Droughts, Forest Fires Could Be the New Normal in Appalachia 1116

Sahel Countries Race against Time to Re-Green Africa's Spreading Desert 1116

Rapidly Warming Mediterranean Headed for Desertification 1016

Living in China’s Expanding Deserts 1016

Climate Change Killing East Africa’s Water Resources, UN Warns 1016

U.S. Southwest Faces 99% Risk of 'Megadroughts' due to Climate Change 1016

California's Drought Could Continue for Centuries 0916

Increased Drought Could See Londoners Queueing for Water 0916

How Can We Better Value Water, as Global Shortages Threaten Economies? 0916

In a Parched Corner of Xinjiang, Ancient Water Tunnels Are Running Dry 0916

What Happens to the Great Plains When the Water's Gone? 0716

Stressed Indus River Threatens Pakistan’s Water Supplies 0616

Water Scarcity Could Impact West Asian Credit Ratings 0616

Why Climate Change Matters - Water 0516

Global Water Shortages to Deliver ‘Severe Hit' to Economies, World Bank Warns 0516

Food System Shock - Climate Change's Greatest Threat to Civilization 0416

By 2050, Asia at High Risk of Severe Water Shortages 0416

Delta Drought Gives Glimpse into Bleak Future for Mighty Mekong 0416

We’re Running Out of Water, and the World’s Powers Are Very Worried 0416

Small Islands to Face a Freshwater Scarcity 0416

Will the Great Salt Lake Be Reduced to Dust? 0216

21st Century US ‘Dustbowl' Risk Assessed 0216

4 Billion People Face Severe Water Shortages in Some Months 0216

Southwest U.S. May Have Entered a ‘Drier Climate State’ 0216

Will the Great Salt Lake Be Reduced to Dust? 0216

China Needs More Efforts in Curbing Desertification, Despite Its Progress 1215

World 'Faces Food Shortages and Mass Migration' Caused by Global Warming 1215

Desertification - the People Whose Land Is Turning to Dust 1115

Spread of Drylands Will Hit Poor Nations Hardest 1115

70 Million Nigerians Affected by Desertification, Drought 0915

Climate Change Is Darkening Seattle’s Water Forecast 0915

Central Asia to Experience Water Crisis in 35 Years 0915

Middle East, Israel to be Water Scarce by 2040 - 0815

South Africa’s Water Security in Peril 0815

Asia’s Water Supply under Threat from Climate Change 0815

Water Insecurity Costs Global Economy Billions a Year 0415

Drought, Expanding Deserts and ‘Food for Jihad' Drive Mali's Conflict 0415

Why Fresh Water Shortages Will Cause the Next Great Global Crisis 0315

A Thirsty, Violent World 0215

Unprecedented 21st Century Drought Risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains - Cook 0215 - PDF

US 'at Risk of Mega-Drought Future’ 0215 - summary of above

Rise in Wildfires May Resurrect Chernobyl's Radiation 0215

Study Predicts Global Warming Will See Australian Deserts Grow Bigger 0215

Scientists See Shrinking California Snowpack as a Harbinger 0115

Great Wall of Trees Keeps China's Deserts at Bay 1214

Water Woes in Lima - a Glimpse of Our Future? 1214                                 Lima receives 2 inches of rain per year.

Can America's Desert Cities Adapt Before They Dry Out And Die? 1214    Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Phoenix, etc.

How Climate Change Helped ISIS 1014

Drying Amazon Could Be Major Carbon Concern 1014

Is World War Water Looming? 1014

There's a Big Leak In America's Water Tower 0814

Pakistan's Largest City Thirsts for a Water Supply 0814

Desertification Threatening Fertile Lands Worldwide 0814

Growing Pains of China's Agricultural Water Needs 0614

As Mountain Snow Fails and Glaciers Melt, Pakistan Faces Water Threats 0514

Water Goes ‘Missing' with Snow Loss 0514

China’s Thirsty Coal Industry Guzzles Precious Water 0514

Peak Water and Food Scarcity 0114

Can Deserts Stop Global Warming?  No, But They Help 0414

Looming US Water Crisis 0713

Desertification Crisis Affecting 168 Countries 0413 

Struggling to Force the Sahara Back 0413 

When the Desert Devours the Lake 0413 

With or Without $2 Billion, Water Woes Here to Stay 1113

What Happens When the World Dries Out 1113

North China Is Running Out of Water, Remedies May Be Disaster 1013

How Do We Balance Needs of Energy, Water, and Climate? 1113

In a Hot, Thirsty Energy Business, Water Is Prized 1013

Will Fracking Suck California Dry? 1013

Warming Will Worsen Water Scarcity 0913

Looming US Water Crisis 0713 - see above

California Snowpack Outlook Grim for Water Supply 1112

Water Shortages to Threaten US Security 0312

Climate Change to Reduce US Southwest Water Supply 0411

Groundwater Depletion Perilously Accelerates Worldwide 0910

UK Embodied Water Imports Threaten 3rd World 0410

Deserts Spread Like Cancer in Middle East 0410 

Water More Vital Than Oil - Details 0209

Water More Vital Than Oil, Shortages Loom 0209 

Deserts Grow from 18% to 27% of China 0408  - short version of the story just below

Deserts Grow 50% in China 0308

Section Map: Droughts, Deserts & Fires