Faster Rock Weathering & Sequestration
Greening Concrete - a Major Emitter Inches Toward Carbon Neutrality 1024
How the Cement Industry Is Creating Carbon-Negative Building Materials 0924
Startup Using Crushed Rocks to Capture Carbon Has Delivered Its 1st Removals 1123
Exxon to Buy Denbury for $4.9 Billion, in CO2 Pipeline Push 0723 - Denbury's pipeline network, to move captured CO2, is the draw.
Can ‘Enhanced Rock Weathering’ Help Combat Climate Change? 0523
Speeding Up Rock Weathering Can Help Decarbonize the Atmosphere 0323
This Startup Uses Volcanic Rock Dust to Capture Carbon on Farms 1022
Measuring Enhanced Weathering on Croplands Is Really Hard To Do 0622
Using Alkaline Rock Minerals to Combat Climate Change 0522
Iowa Pipelines to Sequester CO2 from Ethanol Production – Climate Impacts? 0122
Could Crushed Rocks Absorb Enough Carbon to Curb Global Warming? 1221
Will Rock Dust Put a Drain on Atmospheric Carbon? 0921
Praise for Basalt Potential - In Situ Mineral Carbonation 0321
Accelerated Rock Weathering in Ag Soils Can Remove Billions of Tons of CO2 - 0221
Project Carbdown’s 1st Enhanced Weathering Aims to Remove CO2 from the Air 0121
Asbestos Could Be a Powerful Weapon against Climate Change 1020
How Iceland Is Undoing Carbon Emissions for Good 0620
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Rise of CO2–Absorbing Tropical Mountains May Set Global Climate’s Thermostat 1218
How Oman’s Rocks Could Help Save the Planet 0418
Can Slag Heaps Help Save the Planet? 0417
Oman's Mountains Holds Peridotite from Mantle to Reverse Climate Change 0417
Pacific Northwest Lab Pumps CO2 Down into Basalt, Turning It to Stone 1116
Scientists Found a Way to Turn Our Carbon Emissions into Rock 1116
Experiment 'Turns Waste CO2 to Stone’ 0616
CO2 & H2O injected 1,000 meters deep into volcanic rock. It turned to carbonate rock over weeks to months.
Why CO2 'Air Capture' Could Be Key to Slowing Global Warming 0516 - artifical trees, also by Klaus Lackner (see above). In dry conditions, they suck CO2 from the air many times as fast as natural tree leaves. When wet, they release the CO2, which is sucked out of the chamber for disposal.
Massive Tree Farms, Soil Carbon Sequestration May Be Really Bad Climate Ideas 0216
Darkening soils and forests, from carbon sequestration, especially biochar, increases solar radiation absorbed.
$60 trillion ($30 trillion?) price tag to cut 50 ppm via rock dust / gravel is a lot of money, but less than warming damages?
Dedicating soils to carbon sequestration may (probably not) make them unavailable for farming.
Problems with farming the oceans to sequester carbon via algae.
‘Last Ditch’ Climate Change Remedies Olivine & Biochar Remove CO2 from Air 0615
Methane-Munching Microbes Hit Rock Bottom 1014
CO2 Removal Letter from Prof. Olaf Schuiling to the Dutch Government 0114
Understanding How Rocks Weather, Remove CO2 - 0713 - key overveiw article
Olivine to Fertilize Oceans Gets Thumbs Down 0113
Section Map: Reversing Climate Change