Albedo / Reflectivity
2019-2024 Articles
Cloud Cover Is Easier to Affect than Previously Thought 0524
Trees Release Sesquiterpene, Making Clouds, Messing with Climate Calculations 0923
The Upper Atmosphere Is Cooling, Prompting New Climate Concerns 0523
How Does Albedo Affect Climate? 0423
Atmospheric Mineral Dust May Have Hidden True Extent of Global Heating 0123
Clouds, One of Climate Change’s Great Mysteries, Is Finally Being Solved 1222
Do Aerosols Make More Clouds or Brighter Clouds? 0822
Bigger Dust Storms Are Happening More Frequently 0622
Climate Change Is Making Earth Dimmer 1021 - Due mostly to fewer bright clouds in northeast Pacific, off US.
Climate-Driven Changes in Clouds Are Likely to Amplify Global Warming 0721
Greener Aviation Fuel Create Fewer Contrails, Reducing Global Warming 0621
Warm Clouds Are Cooling Earth, Confounding Climate Models 0621 - However, the amount of warm clouds has been increasing, while the amount of cold clouds has been decreasing.
Scientists Aren’t Sure What Will Happen to Clouds as the Planet Warms 0521
Cloud-Making Aerosol Could Devastate Polar Sea Ice 0221
Climate Worst-Case Scenarios May Not Go Far Enough, Cloud Data Shows 0620 - Clouds provide a substantial amplifying feedback. Climate sensitivity is about 5°C for doubled CO2, not 3°.
Causes of Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models 0120 - clouds; abstract +
Possible Climate Transitions from Breakup of Stratocumulus Cloud Decks under Greenhouse Warming 0219 - abstract
Clouds in New Climate Models Suggest Paris Goals May Be Out of Reach 0120 - summary of study whose abstract is above
Snow and Ice Loss Causing Arctic to Reflect Less Heat 1119
A World of Searing Heat and Melted Ice Caps - Climate Model of Early Eocene Is ‘Scary Finding’ for Earth’s Future 0919
Near PETM events, global surface temperature was ~ 14°C warmer then now. Climate became increasingly sensitive to CO2 at higher temperatures. "Their model showed how clouds played a huge role in global temperatures."
Click for 6 more
What Climate Change Means for Globe-Traveling Saharan Dust 0719
How Dust from Receding Glaciers Is Affecting the Climate 0619
Dust from Melting Glaciers Could Create Clouds 0319
4 Things That Could Kill Us Before the Cloud Apocalypse Does 0219
Climate Change Will Bring Cloud-Free Skies, for Disastrous ‘Feedback Loop’ 0219
Very High CO2 Could Suppress Cooling Clouds, Climate Model Warns 0219
Why Clouds Are the Key to New Troubling Projections on Warming 0220 Newer global climate models (GCMs) do a much better job of handling clouds, for which droplet size is very important, as is large scale (10s to 100s of kilometers): micro and macro in the same model.
These newer GCMs find that clouds diminish as Earth's surface warms. See reasons in the figures below: How Climate Change Breaks Up Clouds.
Thus, they have an amplifying effect on warming. Note cloud figures with trend lines, farther below. This means that the warming feedback concerning clouds has been considerably underestimated. And that holding global surface warming to an acceptable level is far more difficult than most scientists thought during 1980-2015.
The likelihood of catastrophic warming is much higher than we thought. Earth's carbon budget remaining to keep warming under 2°C is far less than zero.
And legacy carbon in the air is very dangerous and CO2 removal is paramount.
The trend thru 2012, below was -.00064 (-.06399%) per year. Loss of cloud cover, thru 2018, may have speeded up a bit.
Global Warming Tidings Get a Boost, after Cloudy Climate Issue Cleared Up 0716 - take 1 on study
Cosmic Rays & Clouds - Marsh & Svensmark 0500 - PDF - broadly similar to, and precursor to, Tim Patterson's article and graphs above
2018 Articles and earlier - 25
Swedish Climate Study Icebreaker Reaches North Pole to Study Clouds 0818
Climate Change Is Making Nighttime Clouds More Visible 0718
Thinning Clouds Increase California’s Wildfires 0618
Study Reveals Forests Have Yet Another Climate-Protection Superpower 0118
Clouds Aren’t a Climate Thermostat, Won’t Save Us from Global Warming 1217
The Surprising Effect of Ocean Waves on Global Climate 0817
Scientists Dim Sunlight, Suck Up CO2 to Cool Planet 0717
Findings from Making Own Clouds Require Rethink on Speed of Warming 0516
Clouds Play Lesser Role in Curbing Warming, Study Finds 0416
Clearing Up Dust's Effect on Climate 1215
Tiny Sea Creatures Are Making Clouds over the Southern Ocean 0715
Man-Made Pollutants Increase the Cooling Effect of Saharan Dust 0415
Changes in Water Vapor and Clouds Are Amplifying Global Warming 0415
Cosmic Rays Add Little to Climate Change 1113
Pollution Yields Larger, Deeper, Longer-Lived Clouds, So Colder Days, Warmer Nights 1113
Clouds of (Slightly Less) Unknowing 1013
Ocean Acidification Makes Plankton Emit Less Cloud-Seeding Compounds 0813
Researchers Unmask Climate Secrets of Sea Spray and Clouds 0413
Bacteria Survive at High Altitudes, Seed Clouds 0113
Skeptic Torch Lights Way to New Science on Clouds 1212
Clouds Feedback Amplifies Warming 0809
Clouds Amplify Warming, Summary 0709
Positive Feedback from Low Level Clouds - Clement, Science 0709
Clearing Clouds of Uncertainty - Zelinka 1017 - PDF, original scientific paper, 2 of 3 figures omitted. See just below.
In Zelinka's graph below, the big dots are for central estimates, thick bars for standard deviations, thin bars for range, among 18 models.
Below are 2 cloud cover trend graphs by Dr. Fry, one by temperature and one by time.
Below are 2 cloudiness graphs from the World Meteorlogical Organization, c. 2009
Investigating the Enigma of Clouds and Climate Change 0817 - With warming, clouds are migrating toward the poles.
Clouds have their greatest cooling impact around the equator, because of the higher sun angle (overhead more often).
The World’s Clouds Are in Different Places than They Were 30 Years Ago 0716 - take 2 on study
The table above shows that, since 1985, cloud cover has been increasing in the tropics and sub-polar regions, especially 10°N to 10° S. In the sub-tropics and temperate regions (25-45 or 50°, latitude), it has been decreasing.
+Black Carbon & Dust
US emissions peaked in 1973 (at 30.56), Europe's in 1980 (at 60.44), and China's in 2006 (at 37.78). China passed the US in 1994 and Europe in 1999. India passed China in 2021 and may not have peaked yet.
A graph further below shows estimated SO4 emissions, including non-human ones (40 MT from dimrthyl sulfide for sea surf organisms, plus episodic ones from volcanoes (rough estimates)). SO4 has 1.5 tims the molecular weight of SO2, so the vertical scale below is 1.5 times as high.
2020-2024 Articles
We’ve Been Accidentally Cooling the Planet — and It’s About to Stop 0624
‘Termination Shock’. Cut in Ship Pollution Sparked Global Heating Spurt. 0524
The Disagreement between 2 Climate Scientists That Will Decide Our Future 1223
Is Climate Change Speeding Up? Here’s What Jim Hansen, Scientists Say. 1223
The Terrible Paradox of Air Pollution and Climate Change 0923
Dark Brown Carbon Is One Nasty Wildfire Pollutant We’ve Been Ignoring 0823
Dust Storms Are on the Rise in the Southwest. That Could Harm Health. 0723
Emission Cuts Could ‘Unmask’ Deadly Face of Climate Change 0623
James Hansen Warns of a Short-Term Climate Shock, with 2° of Warming by 2050 - 0523
More Frequent Dust Storms Could Be in Our Future 0523
Do Aerosols Make More Clouds or Brighter Clouds? 0822
Cleaner Air Is Now Adding to Global Warming 0722
Aerosol Emissions Masked Global Warming’s Supercharging of Tropical Storms 0522
Aerosols from Burning Fossil Fuels Are Masking Global Warming 0622
Soot Is Accelerating Snow Melt in Popular Parts of Antarctica 0222
Covid Shutdown Linked to Record Rainfall in China 0222
Will Tonga Volcanic Eruption Affect Global Climate? 0122 - not much. Tonga’s SO2 emissions were only 2% of Pinatubo’s.
Global Warming Rate over Next 25 Years Could Double the Previous 50’s - Hansen 0921
Tropical Climate Change Is a Puzzle—Could Aerosols Be a Piece? 0921
NASA Direct Measurements, including Aerosols, Show Humans Cause Climate Change 0421
Earth Warmed as Virus Reduced CO2 and Sulfur Emissions 0221
Human Aerosol Cooling Obscures 1/4 of Global Heating since 1750 - 0121
Severe 2019-20 Australia Wildfires Slightly Cooled Earth, like a Volcanic Eruption 1220
In an Odd Twist, Cleaner Air in China May Mean a Warmer Earth 0920 - subtract sulfates, unmasking warming
Climate Change Caused Havoc 2000 Years Ago 0720 - sulfates in stratosphere from volcano in Alaska caused famine in China and Mediterranean basin, falls of Ptolemaic dynasty and Roman Republic
The SO4 from SO2 Emissions graph / estimated data is drawn from a 2000 IPCC figure for SO4 concentrations in Greenland ice and from a dabtabase on global industrial SO2 emissions. It uses interpolation and estimated contributions from major volcanoes.
Figure 8.2 (in part) from the IPCC 5th Assessment, WGI.
Tg = million tonnes
2019 and earlier
Particulate Matter’s Cooling Role on Earth Is Stronger than Previously Thought 1219
Cleaning Up China's Dirty Air Would Give Solar Energy a Huge Boost 0719
Pollution in India Could Reshape Monsoons 0119
How Air Pollution Has Put a Brake on Global Warming 0318 - 0.5 to 1.1°C, according to Samset et al. (take 2, take 1 below)
Why Aerosols Pose a Deadly Climate Change Threat 0218 - Sulfate aerosols have masked up to 1/2 of warming to date.
Overlooked Tiny Air Pollutants Can Have Major Climate Impact 0118
Cleaning Up Air Pollution May Strengthen Global Warming 0118
India to Introduce Clean Fuels Faster to Combat Delhi Smog Crisis 1117 - Cut sulfur in diesel and gasoline by 80%.
How Air Pollution Is Causing the World’s ‘3rd Pole’ to Melt 0816
Sulfate Aerosols Implicated in Global Warming Slowdown 0616
How Cleaner Air Could Actually Make Global Warming Worse 0316
Why the Sahel Rains Failed – and Why They May Return 0116 - sulfate pollution over the Atlantic dampened evaporation
Meeting a Global Carbon Limit Is Cheaper Than Avoiding One - Mann 1115
Massive Wildfires by Lake Baikal Send Soot to Arctic, Greenland 0815
Man-Made Pollutants Increase the Cooling Effect of Saharan Dust 0415
Humans Polluted the Air long Before Industrial Revolution, Study Finds 0215
Mysteries in Fire and Ice 1214
Yak Dung Is Making Climate Change Worse 1214
Small Volcanoes May Be Slowing Down Global Warming 1114
Cooker Reduces Black Carbon Problem 0913 - also on Energy Use page, under Other
What’s the Role of Sulfate Aerosols in Climate Change? 0913
Oil and Gas Production Drives Arctic Ice Melt 0913
How Soot Killed the Little Ice Age 0913
Volcanic Eruptions by Size, to 27 Mya - Wikipedia
Aerosol Cooling Effect on Climate May Be Overstated 0513
Plant Particles Slow Global Warming 0413
Volcanic Activity Linked to recent Dip in Global Warming 0313
Faustian Bargain & Aerosols - Hansen 0313 - PDF
Volcanic Origin for Little Ice Age 0112
Pollution Cools, Worsens South Asia Smog 0112
Rising Air Pollution Worsens Drought and Flooding 1111
Small Volcanoes Cool Climate 0711
Asian Emissions Have Masked Recent Warming 0711
Iceland Eruption to Cool Earth Short Term 0410
Aerosols Cloud Climate Picture 1009
Sulfate Aerosol Increases & China 0809
Giant Asian Smog Cloud Masks Warming 1108
Temps, CO2, SO4, Sun Analysis 2006 - XLS
Other Articles
Less Sea Ice Means More Arctic Trees—Which Means Trouble 0324
What Happens in Antarctica, Doesn’t Stay in Antarctica 0823
Protecting the Beasts of the Land and Sea Could Help Fight Climate Change 0322
Forests’ Climate-Cooling Effect Is Greater than Previously Known 0322
We’re 60 Years Too Late to Stop Global Warming, Sea Level Rises 1120
Section Map: Heat