Worldwide % and mix of uses and emissions from fossil fuels is similar (see at right). CO2 comes most of all from coal power and transport.
Brazil and Indonesia lead in deforestation. Farming CO2 (and CH4) comes from all over.
Energy Consumption
US energy use grew 3.7% a year over 1949-73, till the Arab oil embargo. After a 9-year dip, over 1983-2004 it grew 1.5% a year. Since 2007, on average, it shrank by 1.3% a year.
Oil's share shrank, steeply since 40.3% in 2005 and 39.3% in 2007. Nuclear's peaked at 8.8% in 2009. Coal's peaked at 22.9% in 2000. Gas bottomed out at 22.3% in 1987 and 2006.
The renewable share fell rapidly from 9.3% in 1949 to 6.9% in 1955, and slowly to 5.4% in a dry 1977. It rebounded slowly to 6.5% in 2007, then rose steeply to 9.3% in 2011 and 2012. Biomass (wood, later corn ethanol), then wind, were the major drivers. Hydro varied from wet years to dry. Solar's share is no longer so tiny; it rose 6-fold from 2007 to 2013, to 0.5%.
Energy use for electricity generation has grown the fastest, 2.1% a year. For primary energy use, transport use grew 1.2% a year, while commerce and industry use both shrank 0.3% a year and home use shrank 0.8% a year. For homes and commercial buildings, primary energy use is mostly for space heating.
Total energy use, including electricity use in the 4 other sectors, grew 1.8% a year for commerce, 1.2% for transport, 0.9% for homes, and 0.1% for industry. Commercial buildings electrified the most, followed by homes. Industry was more electrified than transport in 1949 and continued electrification modestly.
US electricity production is from the US Department of Energy. Per capita use is from the World Bank.
US electricity production rose ever more slowly over 25 years, averaging 2.5% a year growth from 1982 to a peak in 2007. US electricity production shrank 0.5% a year since then. Per capita use peaked in 2000 and 2005.
Commercial electric use rose faster than residential use until 2000. Both grew much faster than industrial electric use, which peaked in 2000. Transport's share of electricity use plummeted from 2.55% in 1949 to 0.45% in 1960. It fell further to 0.14% in 1979, then slowly rebounded to "peak" at 0.22% in 2007.
Daily US HOME electric use in 2012 averaged 11.5 kWh per capita.
Per capita use in 17 of the 30 most populous states was above average. #s 1-6, 9-11 & 14-15 voted Republican for President, but not #s 7-8 FL & NC. The lowest 13 users all voted Democrat.
Among all 50, North Dakota & Louisiana used the most, Alabama & Tennessee next, then AR, SC, OK, MS, WV & KY. All Republican.
The 10 lowest users were Connecticut, Hawaii, New York & California, followed by MA, NJ, PA, RI, OH & IL.
Residential kWh per state comes from US DOE, population from the 2010 Census.
Section Map: Energy Use