US Temperature & Analysis

Original 26 Places

     The XLS file above includes a fuller version of the graph shown on the Home page, plus annual data for each of the 26 places, and the trend analysis for them jointly.
    For just the original 26 places (above), the urban heat island effect actually shrank over this period.  The average urban heat island effect for the 128 cities (below) grew slightly over 1975-2015, but more slowly than for the US as a whole.

     The story is quite different for summer lows and winter lows.  See the bottom of this page.

330 Contiguous State Places

+ 18 Non-Contiguous Ones

     This sheet includes annual data for all 348 places, regional data based on a subset of 119, regression analyses and graphs, even °C versions.  330 of the places are in the contguous U.S., 14 in Alaska, and 4 in Hawaii.

     Summers in 100% of states (averaged across each’s places) warmed over 1975-2015 and 1995-2015.  92% of the 348 places warmed during the 41-year period and 95% during the more recent 21-year part of it.

Map of the 348 places

Years Till as Hot as Las Vegas.  

From States Tab

     The fastest summer warming places (1995-2015), 1st to 10th (see tab in file) were Elko NV, Bluefield WV, Rock Springs WY, Colorado Springs CO, Laredo TX, Vernal UT, Hanford CA, Twin Falls ID, Fallon NV, and Lewiston ID.  The 2nd 10 were Bozeman MT, Reno NV, Laramie WY, Scottsbluff NE, Liberal KS, Austin TX, Durango CO, Missoula MT, Gage OK, and Denver CO.  Fresno CA, Enid OK and Dodge City KS also warmed at more than 20°F per century over the 20 years.  Summers in San Angelo, Lukin and Paris TX warmed between 18 and 20°F per century.  So did Greeley CO, Boise & Idaho Falls, Great Falls MT, Phoenix, and Clemson SC.

     The fastest summer cooling place (1995-2015, see same tab in above file) was Bartow (Winter Haven) FL.  It was followed by Eureka (Arcata) CA, Tucson AZ, Wenatchee WA, Marquette WI, Valdez AK, Houma LA, Talkeetna AK, Glendale AZ, and Juneau AK.  They were followed by Los Angeles and 7 other places.  Among large places, San Jose CA, Sacramento CA, Chicago (MDW), and Cincinnati warmed the slowest.

The first tab shows 348 US Places, sorted by year summers grow as hot as Las Vegas now (if 1995-2015 trends, column 6, continue).  Rates are also shown for 1975-2015 and 1975-95 (columns 3 & 4).

The second tab shows the 348 places, sorted alphabetically by state, then city.

’12 = 1/X Yrs   means   IF climate is not changing, how many years till 2012 summer heat is expected to recur.
Yrs to 50/50   means   IF climate is changing, how many years of continued warming it takes until 2012 summer highs are the expected ones, the “new normal."

Section Map: Data