In Retreat
An example from US Forest Service of projected US range loss - for sugar maple - with high emissions.
1 of MANY species, from
Habitat in 2100, but actual distribution will lag, as trees are long-lived.
2021-2024 Articles
Mato Grosso Law Overturns Soy Moratorium That Curbed Amazon Deforestation 1124
Deforestation ‘Roaring Back’ 1024 - summed around the world. Indonesia accelreated its deforestation a lot. But Brazil cut its deforestion.
Amazon Rainforest Shrinks, as Parts Turn into Savanna and Dry Forest - 0924
Methane Emissions Are Pushing the Amazon toward Environmental Catastrophe 0824
Extreme Heat Is Wilting & Burning Forests, so It’s Harder to Curb Climate Change 0724
Fire Once Helped Sequoias Reproduce. Now, it’s Killing the Groves. 0724
Tree-Killing Beetles Wreak Havoc, Threaten to End Great Northern Forests 0624
A Collapse of the Amazon Could Be Coming 0224
Can Forests Be More Profitable than Beef? 0524 - a question for the Amazon region
Are Rainforests Doomed? Not Necessarily. 0424
Amazon Rainforest, after 65 Million Years of Climate Changes, Faces Collapse 0224
‘Biodiversity Catastrophe’ - How Earth Could Look in 2050, unless We Act Now 1123
Amazon Deforestation Linked to West Antarctic Melt and Less Snowfall in Tibet 1023
Rising Temperatures Are Wreaking Havoc Year-Round 0823 - Bark beetles are wreaking havoc in US forests, as their larva surive not-as-cold winter temperatures, now in large numbers as far as New Jersey.
Bark Beetles Are Eating Germany’s Harz Forest. Climate Change Makes It Worse. 0823
Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon Falls in 1st Month under Lula 0223
Why California’s Trees Are Dying by the Millions 0223
Why Western US Wildfires Destroyed 246% More Homes & Buildings This Decade 0223
Drought, Plague and Fire - What One Colorado Forest Is Up Against 0223
In a Warming World, California’s Trees Keep Dying 0123
How Seriously Climate Change Is Threatening Madagascar’s Famous Forests 0123
Has the Amazon Reached Its ‘Tipping Point(s)’? Savannah? Scrubland? 0123
How the Amazon Rainforest Dies 1122 - If somewhere between 20 and 25% of the forest were lost, models suggested, much of the Amazon would perish. About 18% of the rainforest is now gone, and the evidence increasingly supports the warnings. Whether or not the tipping point has arrived — and some scientists think it has — the Amazon is beginning to collapse. More than 3/4 of the rainforest, research indicates, is showing signs of lost resilience. In fire-scorched areas of the Rio Negro floodplains, one research group noted a “drastic ecosystem shift” that has reduced jungle to savanna. In the southeastern Amazon, which has been assaulted by rapacious cattle ranching, trees are dying off and being pushed aside by species better acclimated to drier climes. In the southwestern Amazon, fast-growing bamboo is overtaking lands ravaged by fire and drought.
Deforestation Is Pushing Amazon Rainforest to ‘Point of No Return’ 1122
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Oregon Conifers Suffer Record Die-Off as Climate Crisis Hits Hard 1222
EU’S New Climate Change Plan Will Cause Biodiversity Loss, Deforestation 1222
How Does Forest Restoration in the U.S. Southwest Look with Climate Change? 1022
Climate Change Threatens Health and Survival of Urban Trees 0922
Mass Death of Sequoias Is the Harbinger of Earth Systems Collapse 0822
Wildfires Are Destroying California's Forest Carbon Credit Reserves 0822
'Staggering' Rate of Global Tree Losses from Fires 0822
How Deforestation Is Pushing the Amazon toward a Tipping Point 0722
Global Heating Has Caused Shocking Changes in Forests across the Americas 0822
Climate Change’s Impact Intensifies, Led by Arctic 0822 - Boreal forests are moving north, retreating from the south and advancing into the tundra.
‘In 10 Years, We Might Not Have Forests’ - DRC Struggles to Halt Charcoal Trade 0722
World’s Largest Trees Are Struggling to Survive Climate Change 0622 in Sequoia National Park
In an Increasingly Warmer World, Trees Are Not a Climate Change Cure-All 0522
Experts Fear These Forests Could Shift from Absorbing CO2 to Emitting It 0422
Massive Wildfires Helped Fuel Global Forest Losses in 2021 - 0422
The World Has Been Losing 10 Soccer Fields of Tropical Forest Per Minute 0422
Tropical Trees’ Growth and CO2 Intake Hit by More Extreme Dry Seasons 0422
Lumber Prices Rose, in Part, due to Warmer Weather, Pine Beetles 0222
Unnatural Disasters Plague Canada's Forests, Half Our Tree Species May Disappear 0222
Tipping Points Passed? (4) Forests and the Amazon - a Faltering Carbon Sink 0122
Lumber Prices Are off the Rails Again. Blame Climate Change. 0122
Tropical Forests Can Recover from Deforestation Remarkably Fast, if Near Forests 1221
Wildfires Are Erasing Western Forests. Climate Change Is Making It Permanent. 1121
Sleeping Beauty's Forest Is Dying, Climate Crisis Faces Next German Chancellor 0921
Bolsonaro’s 1,000 km Amazon Railway Will Cause Climate Chaos. We Must Stop It 0721
Hotter and Drier - Deforestation and Wildfires Take a Toll on the Amazon 0721
As Frozen Land Burns, Siberia Fears that without the Forest, We Don’t Have Life 0721
The Brazilian Amazon Is Burning, Again 0621
Trees Fell Faster since Companies, Governments Promised to Stop Felling Them 0521
Settlers Invade, Deforest Colombian National Parks at ‘Unstoppable Speed’ 0521
Latest Warning of Rainforest Turning into Savanna as Climate Warms 0321
Tropical Forest Destruction Accelerated in 2020 - 0321
Is This the End of Forests as We’ve Known Them? 0321
2/3 of Tropical Rainforest Destroyed or Degraded Globally 0321
As Amazon Forest-to-Savanna Tipping Point Looms, Solutions Remain Elusive 0221
Large Wild Herbivores May Help Slow Climate Change 1222 - By removing living and dead plants, large animals dispose of material that may fuel wildfires. By consuming vegetation and excreting dung, they may improve availability of nutrients to plants and support the storage of carbon in vegetation and soil. By creating gaps in the vegetation and dispersing seeds, they create diverse ecosystems with plenty of opportunities for a variety of plants to grow, making ecosystems more resilient and better able to deal with climate change. By nibbling down polar region shrubs and trampling snow, large animals help maintain permafrost, helping prevent the release of carbon to the atmosphere.
2019-2020 Articles
Tropical Forests Can Take the Heat. But Dryness? Not So Much 1220
Brazil's Amazon - Deforestation Surges to 12-Year High 1120
Warming Planet Makes Northeastern Forests More Susceptible to Western-Style Wildfires 1120
Forest Degradation Outpaces Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon 1020
Climate Doesn’t Just Worsen Wildfires, It Hobbles Forests’ Ability to Recover 0920
Germany’s Forests Decimated by Insects, Drought 0720
‘Going in the Wrong Direction’ - More Tropical Forest Loss in 2019 - 0620
Amazon Deforestation Increases for 13th Straight Month in Brazil 0520
Climate Change, Deforestation Harm Old-Growth Forests 0520
Forests Are Vanishing More Slowly, but Not Slowly Enough 0520
Click for more
Amazon Deforestation 'at Highest Level in a Decade' 1119
Climate Emissions from Tropical Forest Damage Underestimated by a Factor of 6 - 1019
Biggest Tropical Wetlands Ravaged by Fires in Brazil 1119
What Happens to Soil Microbes after Wildfire? 1019
Amazon Rainforest ‘Close to Irreversible Tipping Point' 1019
What Happens When the Amazon Forest Disappears? 1019 - savannah, fires more often, cerrado trees
Deforestation Is Worsening, 5 Years after Nations & Companies Vowed to Stop It 0919
What Would Happen if All the World’s Trees Disappeared? 0919 - Earth would become a vastly warmer planet (more than +12°C since industrial revolution began), whose mass extinctions may include humans.
Bolivian Wildfires Destroy 2 Million Hectares (8,000 Square Miles) of Forest 0919
‘It’s Really Close’ - How the Amazon Rainforest Could Self-Destruct 0819 - 20-25% deforestation would drive runaway dieback, fueld by ever less rainfall due to less forest. 19.3% is Brazil’s government’s estimate of deforestation.
Northern Ecuadorian Region Has Lost 61% of Forests 0919
The Amazon, Siberia, Indonesia - A World of Fire 0819
Stability of Earth's Climate Depends on Amazonia 0819
Amazon Fires Could Accelerate Global Warming, Harm Biodiversity for Centuries 0819
Tree-Damaging Pests Pose ‘Devastating’ Threat to 40% of US Forests 0819
Charred Forests Not Growing Back as Expected in Pacific Northwest 0719
California’s Drought Killed Almost 150 Million Trees 0719
Climate Change Causes Growth Spurt Among Old Trees 0619
Some of Pennsylvania’s Iconic Tree Species Might Not Survive Climate Change 0619
Climate Change May Make trees Live Fast and Die Young 0519
Iconic Forests Reaching Climate Tipping Points in American West 0319 - take 1 on study
Climate Change Will Make a Walk in the Woods a Much Rarer Pleasure 0319 - take 2
2016-2018 Articles
Adapt to a Changing Amazon Now, or Pay Far Higher Price Later, Experts Say 1218
Haiti May Lose All Primary Forest by 2035, Mass Extinction Underway 1118
Grasslands May Be More Reliable Carbon Sinks than Forests in California 0718
Tracking the Shift of Tropical Forests from Carbon Sink to Source 0718
Tropical Forests Suffered Near-Record Tree Losses in 2017 - 0618
Could El Niño and Climate Change Spell the End for Tropical Forests? 0618
Tree Killing Fungi and Insects Increasingly Contribute to Climate Change 0518
Dwindling Desert Dust Spells Danger for the Amazon 0518
Climate Change, Wildfire, and the Future of Forests 0418 - Forests now often don’t regenertate after fires. They need more heat-tolerant species or become savannahs and grasslands. Forestys retreat upslope.
Half of Alberta's Boreal Forest Could Disappear from Fires and Climate Change 0318
12,000 Square Miles of Australian Forest to Be Lost in 15 Years 0318
Vermont Forests Vulnerable to Climate Change 0218
Beech Booming as Climate Changes. That’s Bad for Forests. 0218
Carbon Pricing Could Save Millions of Hectares of Tropical Forest 0218
Australian Trees ‘Sweat' (without Photosynthesis) to Survive Extreme Heat Waves 0118
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Some Forests Are Not Growing Back after Wildfires, Research Finds 1217
With Climate Change, Tree Die-Offs May Spread in the West 1217
How Climate Change Is Impacting the American West Right Now 1217
Mangroves Lack the Genetic Diversity to Adapt to Climate Change 1217
Why the Forest Carbon Sink Is Disappearing - Death by 1,000 Cuts 0917
Swiss Trees Swelter as Climate Warms 0817
A Nebraska-Sized Area of Forest Disappeared in 2015 - 0717
California Forests Failing to Regrow After Intense Wildfires 1216
Amazon Rainforest Destruction Is Speeding Up, When Earth Can Least Afford It 1216
Unhealthy Forests Affect Distant Ecosystems 1216
Mapping Shows Extent of Alaska Yellow-Cedar Die-off, Forecasts big Losses 1116
Why India Is Becoming a Drier, Hotter and Angrier Country 1116
Deforestation Forces Up Brazil’s Carbon Emissions 1116
Balsam Fir May Disappear in New Brunswick, Due to Climate Change 0916
Turning up the Heat to Push Many Australian Plants to the Brink 0916
Rising Temperatures Stunt Tree Growth 0816
Drought Shut Down Amazon Carbon Sink 0716
Global Warming to Spur More Fires in Alaska, in Turn Causing More Warming 0516
Fort McMurray Blaze Set the Stage for Even Bigger, Hotter Wildfires 0516
Queensland's Mangrove Ecosystem Dying in Secret 0516
Let’s Save Uganda’s Disappearing Forests 0316
China's Success Regrowing Its Forests Has a Flip Side - Deforestation Elsewhere 0316
US Forests Struggle, as Drought and Climate Change Bite 0316
2015 Articles and earlier
California Drought Could Kill 58 Million Trees, Terrible News Future Water Supply 1215
Climate Change Could Cause a ‘Massive’ Tree Die-off in the US Southwest 1215 - 2°C is huge for trees.
More than Half the Amazon Tree Species Are at Risk of Extinction 1115
Forest Dieback Could Undermine U.S. Plans to Cut CO2 Emissions 1115
Indonesia Blazes Threaten Endangered Orangutans 1115
Climate Change, Wildfire Seen Transforming Northwest Forests 1015
US Forests Threatened, as Demand for Wood-Based Biofuels Grows 1015
Indonesian Fires Are Pouring Huge Amounts of Carbon into the Atmosphere 1015 - peat +. CO2 > Germany's, Japan’s.
Alaskan Wildfires Could Make Global Warming Worse 1015. Soils, permafrost too.
Rapid and Startling Decline of World’s Vast Boreal Forests 1015
Tinderbox of the World - the World’s Northern Forests 1015
Deforestation Halved over Past Decades 0915
Tree Loss Slows, but Covers Area Twice the Size of Portugal in 2014 - 0915
Northern Forests Face Onslaught from Heat and Drought 0815
Earth Is on Track to Lose an India-Sized Chunk of Tropical Forests by 2050 - 0815
Massive Wildfires Transform Siberian Paradise (by Lake Baikal) into Disaster Area 0815
The Forests of the World Are in Major Trouble 0815
Climate Change Is Forcing Boreal Forest to Tipping Point 0815
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Haze Chokehold Spurring Efforts to Save Indonesia’s Forests 0815
Andes' Migrating Trees Are Moving towards Extinction 0815
Drought Damages Trees' Ability to Store Carbon 0715
Burning Olympics Rain Forest Raises Concern about Future 0715Drought Kills 12 Million Trees in California's National Forests 0515
Global Warming Is Already Clobbering the Amazon 0415
Climate Change Threatens to Kill Off More Aspen Forests by 2050s - 0315
Pine Beetle Epidemic Spreads East Across Canada 0315
California’s Forests - Where Have All the Big Trees Gone? 0115
Moisture Shortfall, Heat Threaten Southwestern Forests 0115
The Southwest’s Most Important Number - Vapor Pressure Deficit 0115
Success of ‘Land Sparing' Will Depend on Global Economics, Regulations 1214
Beetles Ravaging Tucson's Big Pines 1214
Amazon Rainforest Losing Ability to Regulate Climate 1014
Amazon Deforestation Picking up Pace, Satellite Data Reveals 1014
Fewer Aspens in Colorado's Future 1014
Summer Heat, Invasive Insects Take Toll on Interior Alaska Birch Trees 1014
Climate Change affects Canada’s Northern Forests Faster than Global Average 0914
Brazil Says Amazon Deforestation Rate Up for First Time in Years 0914
Rockies' Pines, Firs Lose Majority of Habitat on Current Climate Path 0914
Canada Leads World in Forest Decline 0914
Will Iconic Sequoias Fall to Climate Change? 0814
Japanese Red Cedars, etc. to Replace Britain's Oaks, Due to Climate Change 0814
Another Key Forest on Brink of Depletion by Loggers, Charcoal Burners 0814
Canada’s Boreal Forests Are Burning – and Releasing Loads of Carbon 0714
Deforestation, Drought Push Amazon Toward Destruction by Fire 0414
Climate Change, Coral Reefs, Deforestation and Dengue 0414
Sky-High Race Against Time for Amazon Biodiversity 1213
High Resolution Global Maps Show Increasing Forest Loss in Tropics 1113
Precarious Future Looms for Canada’s Great Inland Delta 1113
Key Mangrove Forest (in Bangladesh) Faces Major Threat from a Coal Plant 1013
Indonesia’s Forests Are Shrinking, Despite Reforms 1013
Global Warming Forecast for Amazon Rain Forest: Dry and Dying 1013
British Forests Under New Threat from Pests 1013
Saving the Great North Woods 1013
Mega-Drought in US Southwest Is Bad Omen for Forests Globally 0613
Brazil Rain Forest Deforestation Leads to Seed Shrinkage 0513
Climate Change Threatens Giant Sequoias 0313
Climate Change Thins Forests in Eastern US 0213
How Warmed Trees Die of Thirst and Starve 1212
Mighty Old Trees Are Perishing Fast 1212
New England Hardwood Forests to Take Big Hit from Warming 1112
Drought Puts Trees the World Over ‘At the Edge’ 1112
Climate Change Killing Sahel Trees 1211
Insect Destruction of US Forests Rises 3-fold 0711
Bugged Forests Bad for Climate 1210
Steeper Decline of Mangrove Forests 0810
Deforestation Takes 3 Stages per Patch 0810
2°C Rise Would Trigger 20-40% Amazon Rainforest Die-off 0609
See 4 measures at R: deforest in % & sq km / yr; forest cover in % & sq km.
Forest Research Links Carbon Uptake and Water Use 0622
Climate, Carbon-Cycle Effects of Fossil-Fuel Use vs Deforestation Disturbances 0522
Across the Boreal Forest, Scientists Are Tracking Warming’s Toll 0122
Human-Driven Climate Change Is Changing the Colors of Fall Foliage 1020
Shorter Lifespan of Faster-Growing Trees Will Add to Climate Crisis 0920
Climate Change Is Hurting Forests' Ability to Filter Agricultural Nitrate Pollution 0419
Tropical Forest Canopies Get Hotter than Expected, Putting Wildlife at Risk 0818
Climate Change Is Making Trees Bigger, but Weaker 0818
American Trees Are Moving West, and No One Knows Why 0517
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Drylands Greener with Forests than Previously Thought 0517
Canada’s Eastern Boreal Forest Could Become a Climate Change Refuge 0916
Warming Climate Causing Extensive Greening in Canada, Alaska 0616
China's Success Regrowing Its Forests Has a Flip Side - Deforestation Elsewhere 0316
China's Forest Conservation Program Shows Proof of Success 0316
Paris Climate Deal Could ‘Displace Millions of Forest Dwellers' 0216
Climate Change Means One World’s Death and Another’s Birth 0915
How Global Warming May Make Forests Shorter and Scrubbier 0515
Is This the End of Autumn as We Know It? 1014 - focus on timing and brilliance of leaf color changes
Deforestation - Brazil is a Success Story for Conservation 0814
Once Resilient, Trees In US West Now More Vulnerable To Fires 0713
Agro Forestry Greatly Improves Food Security 0613
Maine Scientists Envision Changing Forests 0513
Climate Change Effects Already Felt in Amazon Rainforest 0413
Tropical Forests to Be Resilient to Climate Change 0313
Warming Bringing Big Changes to US Forests 0213
Is the Amazon Rainforest Drying Out? 1212
West Africa Forest Biomass Grows Despite Drought 0812
New GHG Source ID's - Decay in Living Trees 0812
Columbus Cut Atmospheric CO2 Levels 1011
Faster Nitrogen Cycle in Forests Slows Global Warming 1011
Forests Have a Tipping Point 1011
Tropical Forests Re-Shaped by Climate Change 0211
Services of Coral Reefs, Forests Worth Trillions 1109
Trees Advance in Warmer World 0809
Amazon Forest Could Shrink 85% by 2100 - Jones 0510 - PDF of 25 slides
Amazon shows 59% forest loss over 2 centuries.
Left: Sub-polar projections show 12-21% forest gain with +5°C.
Right: Temperate ones show 8% gain to 11% loss.
Section Map: Bio Impacts