How Extreme Weather Can Disrupt Energy Supply 0220
Trees Could Change the Climate More than Scientists Thought 1018
Pollution Yields Larger, Deeper, Longer-Lived Clouds, So Colder Days, Warmer Nights 1113
As Michigan Warms, Cotton Instead of Cherry and Grapes? 0713
‘Drunken’ Weather Pattern Leads to Deadly Heat 0713 - Bermuda High moved to Ohio in 2013. Similar anomaly for record Russia heat in 2010.
Arctic Seasonality Eroded by Climate Change 0313
Brown Cloud Harms Asia - UNEP 1108 - PDF, 44 pp
Edges of Tropics Push Toward Poles - Caused by Warming 0208. For the original study (Seidel 1207, summarizing 5 others), see the No Water page, under Atmospheric Changes, almost at the bottom. See graph and diagram from the 1207 study, near top of this page.
Section Map: Weather & Sea Level Rise