
China is red, Europe cyan, US gray.


Higher Renewables Costs, Uncertainty Require Diverse Energy Sources - Lazard 0624

IEA Expects Global Clean Energy Investment to Hit $2 Trillion in 2024 - 0624

Saudi Arabia Eyes a Future Beyond Oil 0524

Investment Deficit Puts Planet on Path to Miss 1.5°C 0424

Cleantech Competition among China, Europe, and the United States 0324

PacifiCorp Plans 7.4 GW of Storage by 2029, 20 GW of Wind and Solar by 2032 - 0423

Biden Announces Major Aid Package to Help Egypt Transition to Clean Energy 1122

Even With Biggest-Ever Climate Bill, US Lags China’s Green Spending 0822

China Triples Solar Investments as Clean Energy Push Accelerates 0522

Coal-Laden Inner Mongolia Spending $79 Billion on Renewables 0322 - add 84 GW of wind & solar by 2025.  China aims for 1,200 GW of renewables.  (US has about 1,100 GW total - fossil and renewable.)

U.S. Clean Energy Draws Record $105 Billion of Private Investment in 2021 - 0322

Duke Energy Plans to Exit All Coal, Double Renewables 0222

India’s Clean Energy Got More Money from Loans Than Coal for 3rd Year 1221 

China Starts Round 2 of Massive Desert Renewable Energy Build 1221

Energy Transition’s Half-Trillion-Dollar Year Is Even Better than It Looks 0121

Global New Clean Energy Investment Totaled $282 Billion Last Year 0620

In Developing Nations, a Decline in Clean Energy Investment 1119

Storage, Renewables Continue to Get Cheaper, but Slower than Before – Lazard 1119

U.S. Moves Up to 2nd Most Attractive Renewables Market, after China 0518

Click for more

Clean Energy Is Trouncing Oil, Gas and Coal in Trump Era 0717

China Solar, Wind to Attract $780 Billion Investment by 2030 - 0417

China to Plow $361 Billion into Renewable Energy by 2020 - 0117

India Plans Nearly 60% of Electricity Capacity from Non-Fossil Fuels by 2027 - 1216

Global Investment in Energy Falls, but Renewables Remain Strong 0916

Pacific G&E Says Clean Energy Will Replace Power from Its Last Nuclear Plant 0616

New Renewable Energy Projects Find Opportunity in Old Transmission Lines 0416

Republicans Are Warming Up to Renewable Energy 0416

China Leads, as Green Energy Investment Plans Hit Record High 0316

Have We Reached the Tipping Point for Investing in Renewable Energy? 0216

Slump in Oil Prices Drives Green Energy Takeup in Top Oil Exporting Nations 0116

Solar and Wind Just Did the Unthinkable 0116
- In 2015, more GW added & $ invested than in fossil fuel electricity, despite plunging, bargain fossil fuel prices.

Experts Predict Renewable Investment Boom, as Congress Renews Tax Credits 1215

U.S. Companies Pledge to Build 20 GW of Renewable Energy in India 0215

Will Falling Oil Prices Undermine Green Energy?  Mostly Not. 0115

9 Reasons Not to Be Depressed about the Planet 0115

Xcel to Double Down on Renewable Energy in Minnesota 0115

$550 Billion Fossil Fuel Subsidies Hurt Renewables 1114

Wind Power Is Cheapest Energy, EU Analysis Finds 1014 - see also above

Clean Energy Investment Headed for 2nd Annual Decline 1013

Money Trail Backs the Clean Energy Revolution 0813

Japan's Renewable Energy Growth Dims, as Nuclear Seeks Comeback 0713

Clean Energy Rise Slows in Europe as Incentives Yield to Austerity 0513

Crowd-Funding Boosts US Renewables 0413

US Regains Top Spot in Global Clean Energy Investment 0412

Clean Energy Sector Expected to Double by 2022 - 0312

Projected 2025 Total Plant Costs for Power Generation Technologies 0811

Green Energy Investment Hits Record Global High 0711

China Tops Global Clean Energy Table 0311

China Leads in Renewables Investments 0310

Section Map: Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Energy