World Energy Consumption

Winning the Oil Endgame 0509

Left Figure Source: BP

Right Figure Source: Department of Energy

Renewable energy is mostly hydroelectricity

 Energy Consumption by Nation

(in energy order, million tons of oil equivalent. Source: BP)

     China overtook the US in mid-2010.  China's energy use grew 9.8% per year over 10 years, while US use fell 0.4% per year.
Per year, India's grew 6.1%; Saudi Arabia's 5.7%; Thailand's, Turkey's and Iran's 5.0%; Brazil's 4.0%; Indonesia's 3.9%; and South Korea's and Mexico's 2.9%. 

     In contrast, per year, the UK's (Britain's) energy use fell 0.8%; Japan's, Germany's, and Italy's 0.7%; the Ukraine's 0.6%; and France's (and America's) 0.4%.  CO2 emissions per nation (shown near the top of the "$ & Tons" page) are the product of energy use and carbon intensity, not shown.

  GDP / Energy $ / kg oil equivalent - in 2005 $, PPP
(data from World Bank.  Note 23 year record on the final 2 charts, vs. 11 years on the others.)

     Over 1989-2012, energy efficiency (GDP per unit of energy) grew in 15 countries and fell in 3 (Iran [worst of 18], South Korea and Brazil).
    Average efficiency gains were strongest in China (4.2% per year), Britain (2.5%), Germany (2.3%), and India (2.2%).  They were substantial also in the US (1.9%), Canada (1.7%), Russia (1.5%), and Australia (1.4%).

     At Copenhagen in 2009, China pledged to cut CO2 / GDP 40-45% by 2020, India 20-25%. If they continue cutting energy at 1989-2011 rates, China must cut CO2 per energy at least 4%, but over 11 years.  India cuts its energy use almost 22%; it doesn't need to change CO2 per energy. 

Energy Use / Capita
(kg of oil equivalent / person), data also from World Bank

    Energy use per capita grew most strongly in China (4.8%/year) and South Korea (4.5%).  Growth was also strong in Iran (3.9%), Indonesia (2.8%), India (2.5%), and Turkey (2.3%).

     Per capita energy use fell in Germany and the UK (Britain), both 0.8% a year.  It fell 0.7% a year in Russia, 0.6% a year in the US, and 0.4% a year in Canada.

     It rose slightly in Italy, France, South Africa, and Japan, but fell since 2005.  It rose significantly, but not a lot, in Mexico and Australia, while it rose more in Brazil.

     A "curve" with amounts and prices of various technologies to cut carbon emissions. Abatement costs below zero are mostly energy efficiency improvements: investments that pay for themselves even with a carbon price of zero.

Our Energy Grid Is Incredibly Vulnerable – to Climate Change 0816

Section Map: Energy Use