Ground Water
2022-24 Articles
The Hidden Crisis in Europe’s Groundwater 0524
Draining the World of Fresh Water 0424
Dry Springs in Central Texas Warn of Water Shortage Ahead 0823 - Many springs are affected, some of which give rise to town names.
SE UK Faces Early Hosepipe Ban, as Drinking Water Stocks Face Record Demand 0623
How California Is Using Recent Floods to Prepare for Future Drought 0323
Parched California Misses a Chance to Store More Rain Underground 0223
As Colorado River Dries, the U.S. Teeters on the Brink of Larger Water Crisis 0822
NASA Is Watching California’s Groundwater Crisis from Space 0422 - Tulare Basin is sinking a foot a year. Groundwater depletion is a big problems much of Brazil as well.
2015-19 Articles
Climate Change May Reduce Soil’s Ability to Absorb Water – a Key Store of CO2 - 0919 - more root mass, fewer soil pores
Climate Change Endangers Half the World’s Groundwater Supply 0119
Coping with Seawater Invading South Florida’s Drinking Water Source 0618
How Climate Change Will Mess with Water ‘Recharge’ in Western U.S. 1117
As Global Groundwater Disappears, Rice, Wheat, Other Crops May Start to Vanish 0417
Vital Groundwater Depleted Faster than Ever 0417 - trade in thirsty crops
Africa Droughts Prompt Calls to Start Pumping Untapped Groundwater 0816
What Happens to the Great Plains When the Water's Gone? 0716
Groundwater Depletion Adding to Global Sea-Level Rise 1215
Scarred Riverbeds and Dead Pistachio Trees in a Parched Iran 1215 - country is turning to more desert
New Map of Earth's Groundwater to Help Estimate When It May Run Out 1115
California Could Be the Next Saudi Arabia – of Water 1115
Why Fresh Water Shortages Will Cause the Next Great Global Crisis 0315
2008-15 Articles
The Southwest’s Most Important Number - Vapor Pressure Deficit 0115
Probing the Unknowns of What Warming Does to the Earth's Fertility 0115
California Needs to Overhaul Its Groundwater Protection 0714
Groundwater Pumping Propping Up Farms in California Drought 0714
Water Planners Focus on Bigger Texas, Not a Hotter One 0714
In Drought, Water War in California Fought Underground 0913
With Tar Sands Development (& Fracking), Growing Concern on Water Use 0813
Shrinking Aquifers in Drought-Stricken Areas 0613
Farm Subsidies Increase Water Use 0613
Rains or Not, India Struggles for Water 0313
‘Mining’ Groundwater Could Fuel Climate Change 0213
Jakarta Sinking as Water Supplies Dry Up 1212
Harder Rains in Warmer World May Better Recharge Groundwater 1112
Pumping Groundwater Raises Sea Level 0512
Huge Ground Water under Africa 0412
Water Tables
How rising seas can cause ground-water to become salty.
Salinity intrusion is already a severe problem in Bangladesh.
It is a serious problem in many other countries, including Vietnam, Egypt, Tanzania, Senegal, Micronesia, even Florida and Louisiana. (See Sea Rise impacts page.)
Water Tables Articles
10s of Millions of Acres of US Cropland Lie Abandoned 0624 - mostly above the remains of the Ogallalla Aquifer
A Federal Drought Relief Program Left Southern Oregon Parched 1121
The Ongoing Collapse of the World's Aquifers 0121
Amazon Rainforest Likely Drier, More Fire-Prone This Year 0420
Groundwater Depletion May Cause Domestic Wells to Dry Out 0719
Climate Change Key Suspect in the Case of India’s Vanishing Groundwater 0317
What You Need to Know About the World's Water Wars 0716
Energy-Water Nexus Issues Heighten in the Face of Climate Change 0716
Groundwater Forum Warns of Severe Drought in South Asia 0616
Scarred Riverbeds and Dead Pistachio Trees in a Parched Iran 1215
NASA Launches Satellite to Monitor Planet’s Soil Moisture Content 0115
Click for more
NASA Warns Earth's Fresh Groundwater Reserves Are Disappearing 0115
Kale or Fracking? Farmers and Corporations Fight It Out for Water 1114
'Shocking' Underground Water Loss in US Drought 0714
In Texas Drought, Abbott Keeps Lawn Green by Drilling 1113
Africa Faces Water Crisis Despite Discovery of Huge Aquifers 1013
Groundwater Wake-Up - Asia, US, etc 0813
Latest Casualty of Drought May Be US Aquifers 0513
Ogallala Aquifer in Texas Panhandle Suffers Big Drop 0513
Drop in US Underground Water Levels Has Accelerated 0513
Texas Groundwater Levels Suffer Sharp Drop 0513
Ogalalla Farmers Watching Their Water Use 1012
Growing Water Deficit Threatening Grain Harvests 0711
change in mm of H2O / yr, scale -20 to +25. Brown / red areas are losing the most water.
Blue / dark blue areas are gaining the most.
The Canning River flows to Perth. The Central Valley is California’s. The Guarani Basin is south of Brasilia, east of Asunción and Santa Fe, west of São Paulo and Curitiba, and north of Montevideo.
170 mm of water loss from Guarani's Aquifer approximates 200 cu km, 130 mm lost from the US Southern Plains almost 25 cu km, and north China's 170 mm loss since 2004 about 20 cu km. Northwest India lost 109 cu km from Aug. 2002 to Oct. 2008.
From J.S. Famiglietti, “The global groundwater crisis”, Nature Climate Change, Oct. 29, 2014.
Groundwater Depletion in the United States (1900−2008) - USGS / Kownikov 0513 - abstract "Estimated groundwater depletion in the United States during 1900–2008 totals approximately 1,000 cubic kilometers (km3). Furthermore, the rate of groundwater depletion has increased markedly since about 1950. Maximum rates occurred during the most recent period (2000–2008), when the depletion rate averaged almost 25 km per year (compared to 9.2 km3 per year averaged over the 1900–2008 timeframe).” Or 7.8 km3 per year from 1900 to 2000. Before 2000-2008, depletion rates were next fastest over 1951-1980, at 15.1 km3) per year (from full study, below).
Groundwater Trends - UNESCO / van der Grun 0712 - PDF, 44 pages
6 excerpts below:
World map of abstraction intensity
Top 10 abstraction nations
Abstraction by continent and use
Trends for 8 top depleting nations
Trends for aquifers
Trends for countries (mm sea level rise).
GROUNDWATER ABSTRACTION estimated based on IGRAC (2010), AQUASTAT (n.d.), EUROSTAT (n.d.), Margat (2008) & Siebert et al. (2010).
**Average of the 1995 and 2025 'business as usual scenario' estimates by Alcamo et al. (2003).
Groundwater depletion has accounted for ~ 5% of the 250 mm sea level rise since 1900.
California Water Loss - 30 Cubic Km in 5 Years 1209
Irrigation Depletes India’s Groundwater - 54 cu km per Year 0809
North India's maximum groundwater loss rate is almost 2 inches per year, but much of central California's is 15-45 inches per year, up to 100 inches in one small area. But the affected area in north India is much larger.
Ogalalla Acquifer Water & Groundwater in China 0308 (image not from article)
changes from ~1930 to 1997-98 (not 2008)
Gray shows water table at least 40 meters lower than in 1960.
Section Map: Water
Water Tables Articles
A Federal Drought Relief Program Left Southern Oregon Parched 1121
The Ongoing Collapse of the World's Aquifers 0121
Amazon Rainforest Likely Drier, More Fire-Prone This Year 0420
Groundwater Depletion May Cause Domestic Wells to Dry Out 0719
Climate Change Key Suspect in the Case of India’s Vanishing Groundwater 0317
What You Need to Know About the World's Water Wars 0716
Energy-Water Nexus Issues Heighten in the Face of Climate Change 0716
Groundwater Forum Warns of Severe Drought in South Asia 0616
Scarred Riverbeds and Dead Pistachio Trees in a Parched Iran 1215
NASA Launches Satellite to Monitor Planet’s Soil Moisture Content 0115
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NASA Warns Earth's Fresh Groundwater Reserves Are Disappearing 0115
Kale or Fracking? Farmers and Corporations Fight It Out for Water 1114
'Shocking' Underground Water Loss in US Drought 0714
In Texas Drought, Abbott Keeps Lawn Green by Drilling 1113
Africa Faces Water Crisis Despite Discovery of Huge Aquifers 1013
Groundwater Wake-Up - Asia, US, etc 0813
Latest Casualty of Drought May Be US Aquifers 0513
Ogallala Aquifer in Texas Panhandle Suffers Big Drop 0513
Drop in US Underground Water Levels Has Accelerated 0513
Texas Groundwater Levels Suffer Sharp Drop 0513
Ogalalla Farmers Watching Their Water Use 1012
Growing Water Deficit Threatening Grain Harvests 0711