Fossil Fuels, Pollution, Nukes
Global Electricity Generation Mix (%, by IEA)
A reprise of the graph at the top of the page, but in $ / MWh instead of ¢ / kWh.
To convert $/MW-hour above to ¢/kW-hour, divide by 10. Solar and wind are both about 4¢/kWh, gas about 5.5.
Note how falling prices for wind and solar drive their adoption. See the two graphs above about adoption.
*The graph at the top of the page also includes 2020
Lazard’s 2020 unsubsidized US electric generation costs for renewable (top) and traditional (fossil & nuke) technologies. See PDF below. Lazard’s charts are also on the Coal, Oil, Gas, Nuke page.
2017 and 2014 versions are below the 2020 version.
Capital + operating costs of renewables – versus – operating costs only of non-renewables
Lazard’s 2017 unsubsidized US electric generation costs for renewable (top) and traditional (fossil & nuke) technologies. See PDF below. Lazard’s charts are also on the Coal, Oil, Gas, Nuke page.
Levelized US Costs of New Electric Energy - Lazard 1214 - PDF, 20 pp. The chart below is taken from a later edition of this study. It includes more detailed charts and tables, plus the footnotes to the chart above. New solar is decisively cheaper than new gas or diesel peaking generators in the US, Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Japan, and northern Europe.
Electricity generation in China.
US Capacity Waiting in the Wings - 2020
The picture was similar in 2024, but capacity in queues exceeded 800 GW.
Our Energy Grid Is Incredibly Vulnerable – to Climate Change 0816
BP Statistical Review of World Energy 0613 - PDF, 48 pp This is a rich source of information, by year by nation.
Section Map: Fossil Fuels, Pollution & Nukes