Acidification Impacts
Oceans Face ‘Triple Threat’ of Extreme Heat, Oxygen Loss and Acidification 0624
Melting Ice Created the Perfect Storm for a Rapidly Acidifying Arctic Ocean 1222
Decline of Diatoms due to Ocean Acidification 0522 - They comprise 40% of “plant” biomass is in the ocean. This has implications for oxygen production.
Ocean Acidification Will Be Worse than Expected in the Arctic 0620
Ocean Acidification Can Cause Mass Extinctions, Fossils Reveal 1019
Greenhouse Gases Causing Canadian Arctic Seas to Acidify Quicker 0519
Shellfish Continue to Wither 0118 - mis-crystallization in shells; slight shifts in ocean chemistry are incredibly deadly
Ocean Acidification Is Deadly Threat to Marine Life, Finds 8-Year Study 1017
Ocean Acidification May Hamper Food Web’s Nitrogen-Fixing Heroes 0617
Ocean Acidification Spreading Rapidly in Arctic Ocean 0217
Siberian Erosion, River Runoff Speed Up Arctic Ocean Acidification 0416
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Pacific Shellfish Set for Price Hike, as Ocean Acidity Keeps Rising 0116
Environmental Change Rate Unprecedented, Study Says 0116
Abrupt Changes in Food Chains Predicted as Southern Ocean Acidifies Fast 1115
Marine Food Chains at Risk of Collapse, Extensive Oceans Study Finds 1015
Too Warm, Too Few Fish - Health Warning for World’s Oceans 0815
Geo-Engineering Will Not Save Ocean Life from Centuries of Acidification 0815
Ocean Acidification Threatens Balance of Plankton Species - Why That Matters 0715
Canada’s Beaufort Sea Is Growing Acidic Faster than Any Other Ocean on Earth 0615
Seaweed Might Have the Power to Make the Oceans Less Acidic 0515
Sea Urchins Work Overtime to Cope with Rising Ocean Acidity 0315
Could Climate Change Take Oysters Off the Menu? 0215
Mote Marine Lab Scientists Are Certain Ocean Chemistry Is Worsening 0115
UK Science Chief Warns on Acid Oceans 1014
Research Finds Looming $1 Trillion a Year Costs of Ocean Acidification 1014
Acid Damage to Coral Reefs Could Cost $1 Trillion 1014 - another take on the same report summarized above
Fish Failing to Adapt to Rising Carbon Dioxide Levels in Ocean 1014
Mussels Don't Stick Around in Acidic Ocean Water 0914
Marine Economy Sinks as Ocean Acidity Rises 0814
Examining How Marine Life Might Adapt to Acidified Oceans 0514
Acid Ocean Is Dissolving Pteropod (Tiny Snail) Shells off U.S. West Coast 0414
Scientists Warn of Hot, Sour, Breathless Oceans 1113
Ocean Acidification Threatens to Change Entire Marine Ecosystem 1013
Sea Change - the Pacific’s Perilous Turn 0913
Ocean Acidification Makes Plankton Emit Less Cloud-Seeding Compounds 0813
Ocean Acidification Update 0813 - also on Water page
Acidic Oceans of the Future Show Extinction 0713
How Climate Change Threatens Oysters and Shellfish 0313
Base of Antarctic Food Web Threatened, as Their Shells Dissolve 1112
Ocean Acidification Accelerated in Nutrient-Rich Areas- Sunda & Cal 0912
Ocean Acidification Threatens Food Security - Huelsenbeck / Oceana 0912
Acidic Ocean Threatens Survival of Young Fish 1211
Southern Ocean Acidification to Hit Tipping Point 30 Years Earlier 1108 - also on Water page
Acid Ocean Thinning Marine Shells 0309 - also on Water and Bio-Impacts pages
Oxygen Loss, etc.
Oceans Face ‘Triple Threat’ of Extreme Heat, Oxygen Loss and Acidification 0624
Climate Crisis Is Increasing Frequency of Deadly Ocean Upwells 0424
The Oceans Are Getting Greener, Remote Sensing Reveals 1023
Why Our Oceans Being the Warmest in Recorded History Is So Concerning 0823 - It has major effects on ocean life (low oxygen, make current habiats not survivable for current marine residents, and ocean circulations, which has very major effects on weather on land - rain, hurricanes, drought, wildfires, etc.
Scientists Detect Signs a Crucial Ocean Current Is near Collapse 0723
Climate Change Is Making Our Oceans Change Color 0723 - Tropical oceans have become greener in the past 2 decades - more chlorophyll. Blue oceans are deserts for life.
Antarctic Deep Ocean Currents Are Slowing Earlier than Predicted 0523
As Ocean Oxygen Levels Dip, Fish Face an Uncertain Future 0523
Global Warming Disrupting Antarctic Current System That Earth’s Life Relies on 0423
Why Sea Creatures Are Washing Up Dead around the World 0323
Marine Heat Waves Can Happen Even at the Bottom of the Ocean 0323
Ocean ‘Dead Zones' Are Proliferating due to Global Warming 1222
Sea Life May Downsize with Ocean Warming, with Challenging Impacts 0822
How Marine Heat Waves in Hawaii Have Ripple Effects All the Way to Arizona 0522
Climate Change Speeds Up Sound in the Ocean. That’s Bad for Marine Animals. 0422
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Scientists Build New Atlas of Ocean's Oxygen-Starved Waters 1221
Marine Oxygen Levels Are the Next Great Casualty of Climate Change 1121
Low Oxygen Levels along Pacific Northwest Coast a Silent Climate Change Crisis 0921
EU-Backed Study Shows Alarming State of Oceans 0921 - Sea level, migration of sea life toward poles, sea ice shrinkage
Ocean Surface Climates May Disappear by 2100 - 0821 - tempersature, acidity and concentration of aragonite, for forming shells
Climate Change Fueling Warm Ocean ‘Blob' Causing Chile Megadrought 0821
Sea Ice Kept Oxygen from Reaching Deep Ocean during Last Ice Age 0221
Climate Change Is Threatening Our Circulation. We Must Act Now. 0321
‘Catastrophic’ Increase in Arctic Wave Heights Predicted due to Melting Sea Ice 0720
Deep Ocean Will Be Warming Rapidly by 2050, Even if Global Emissions Decline 0520
Half the World's Beaches Could Disappear by 2100 - 0320
Oceans Losing Oxygen at Unprecedented Rate, Experts Warn 1219
The World’s Oceans Are in Danger, Major Climate Change Report Warns 0919
UN Climate Report on Oceans & Ice Highlights Permafrost, Acidity, Low Oxygen 0919
World’s Oceans Are Losing Power to Stall Climate Change 0919
Less Sea Ice Means More Arctic Ship Traffic 0819
Warmer Waters, Less Oxygen, Threaten Large Invertebrates in the Arctic 0619
Ocean Waves Are Getting Bigger and Climate Change Appears to Be to Blame 0419
Climate Change Is Altering the Color of the Ocean 0219 - colors indicate plankton concentrations - how green vs blue
How Melting Arctic Ice Could Cook the Tropics 0618
Climate Change Could Destroy Even the Ocean's Most Pristine Parks 0518
Ocean Circulation Is Slowing. Here’s Why You Should Care. 0518
Ireland Could Face ‘Far Colder Winters and Warmer Summers’ 0418
Scientists Confirm Florida-Sized Dead Zone in the Gulf of Oman 0418
Changes to the Ocean’s Micro Creatures Could Have Macro Effects 1117 - base of the food web
Arctic Sea Change 1017 - Warmer Atlantic water flows north along seafloor, past Spitzbergen, into Arctic. That water is warmer than it used to be. More important, with less Arctic sea ice, storms churn up that warm water from the bottom.
Failing Phytoplankton, Failing Oxygen - Global Warming Could Suffocate Life on Earth 1215
Climate Change, Sewage, Fertilizers Could Trigger Mass Ocean Extinction 0817
Major Greenland Melting Could Devastate Crops in Africa 0617
Climate Change May Be Choking the Ocean’s Oxygen Supply 0617
Ocean Oxygen Decline Greater than Predicted 0517
Coral Loss Quickly Erodes Seafloor, Threatens Coasts — USGS 0417
Half of World’s Ocean to Face Multiple ‘Climate Stressors’ by 2030 - 0317
Oxygen Decline in Earth’s Oceans Is Linked to a Warming Climate 0217 - 2+% generally 1960-2010, most in Arctic Ocean
Global Ocean Circulation More Vulnerable to Shutdown than We Thought 0117
Greenland Ice Melt Could Push Atlantic Circulation to Collapse 0117
The Blob - How Marine Heat Waves Are Causing Unprecedented Climate Chaos 0816
Ocean Warming due to Plankton Collapse 0616
Ocean's Oxygen Starts Running Low 0516
How Fast Ocean Currents Will Help Plankton Survive Climate Change 0416
These 2 Changes in the Ocean Are Downright Scary 0416
Phytoplankton Rapidly Disappearing from the Indian Ocean 0216 - down 30% in 15 years, says chlorophyll satellite sensing
NASA Sees Ocean Currents Slowing 1115
Climate Scientists Fear ‘Day After Tomorrow’ Scenario 0915
Concerns Deepen about a Climate-Change ‘Wild Card’ 0915 - Greenland & Antarctic ice melt show down ocen circulation
Warming Oceans Putting Marine Life ‘In a Blender’ 0915
A Warmer North Pacific Is Staying Warmer, With Dramatic Impact on Marine Life 0915
Too Warm, Too Few Fish - Health Warning for World’s Oceans 0815
Climate Change Is Increasing Stress on Oceans 0715
Massive Ocean Oxygen Loss from Melting Ice, Warming, 10-17 Millennia Ago 0115
Larger Dead Zones, Oxygen Depleted Water, Likely with Climate Change 1114
Global Warming Opens Northwest Passage to Pleasure Cruises 1014
Scientists Warn of Hot, Sour, Breathless Oceans 1113
Wave of Jellyfish Shut Down Nuclear Power Plant 1013
Ocean Chemical Cycles Will Be Upset by Climate Change 0913
Section Map: Drought, Oceans, Snow, Adapt