Greenland Bedrock Topographic Map Created using ETOPO1 Global Relief Model bedrock version
Greenland holds about 10% of the world's ice. If it all melts, sea level would rise 6-7 meters (20+ feet).
Greenland ice growth began almost 10 million years ago and reached roughly current levels more than 2 million years ago.
Over the past 2 million years, ice sheets repeatedly grew and shrank across Canada, the northern US, most of Siberia, and most of northern Europe. We call these periods Ice Ages. At their peak, these ice sheets held twice as much ice as Antarctica does today. (See Hansen 0913 on Overviews page for a geologically recent history of sea level.) From 20 to 8 thousand years ago (KYa), those ice sheets vanished, raising sea levels by 1 meter per century, including 1.5 meter per century from 15 to 8 KYa.
Some researchers (Robinson, Koenig) have made the case that current CO2 levels are incompatible with continued existence of the Greenland ice cap or sheet, especially once temperatures increase to those associated with past CO2 levels this high (~ 400 ppm).
Perhaps 20% of Greenland's ice is grounded below sea level. But most of that is inland sea, not connected to the ocean. Maybe 5% to the ocean.
2020-2024 Articles
News about AMOC and Greenland and Antarctic Ice, in Scenarios 0824
New Fossils Reveal an Ice-Free Greenland, in Bad News for Sea Level Rise 0824
Greenland’s Ice Shelves Hold Back Sea Level Rise. There Are Just 5 Left. 1123
What Arctic Ice Tells Us about Climate Change 0823 - Greenland ice sheet in its entirety is threatened. The Arctic is warming 4 X as fast as the rest of Earth's surface. This impacts sea level rise and ocean currents. Etc.
Long-Lost Greenland Ice Core Suggests Potential Disastrous Sea Level Rise 0723 - See a different summary on the Heat page, Paleo section.
Acceleration of Global Sea Level Rise Imminent past 1.8°C - 0223
North America Heat Waves Led to Unprecedented Ice Melt in Greenland 1022
‘Fingerprint’ Discovery Confirms Alarming Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Predictions 0922
For 1st Time on Record, Greenland Saw Extensive Melting in September 0922
Greenland Ice Sheet Set to Raise Sea Levels by Nearly 1 Foot 0822
Greenland’s ice Loss Last Weekend Could Cover West Virginia in a Foot of Water 0722
How Humid Air, Intensified by Climate Change, Is Melting Greenland Ice 0622
Click for more
Accelerating Melt Rate Makes Greenland Ice Sheet World’s Largest ‘Dam’ 0222
Tipping Points Already Passed? (3) Greenland and the Arctic - Abrupt Change 0122
Greenland Could Melt for Millennia if Warming Stopped Today 0122 - lags and slow melting
Climate Change Has Destabilized Earth’s Poles, Imperiling the Rest of the Planet 1221
2021 Arctic Report Card Reveals Cascading Disruptions, Extreme Events, Global Connections 1221
Record Greenland Glacier Calving Ice Loss, Ocean Melt in Last 12 Months 1121
Rain Fell at the Normally Snowy Summit of Greenland, for the 1st Time on Record 0821
Greenland Ice Sheet on Brink of Major Tipping Point 0521
Greenland Ice Sheet Melted Entirely 1 Million Years Ago. It Could Again. 0321
Surface of Greenland’s Ice Sheet Could Lose More Mass than It Gains by 2055 - 0221
Climate-Driven Arctic Changes Are Interconnected, Says 2020 Report Card 1220
Greenland Ice Sheet on Course to Lose Ice at Fastest Rate in 12,000 Years 0920
Loss of Greenland Ice Sheet Reached a Record Last Year 0820 - 530 billion tons, twice the 2003-2019 average
Warming Greenland Ice Sheet Passes Point of No Return 0820
Blue Skies Pushed Greenland ‘into the Red’ 0420
Greenland Lost a Near-Record 600 Billion Tons of Ice Last Summer 0320
2016-2019 Articles
Global Warming’s Duration Will Decide Greenland’s Ice Tipping Point Timing 1219
Greenland’s Ice Loss Has Risen 7-Fold, in Line with Highest Sea-Level Scenario 1219
Cracks in the Greenland Ice Sheet Are Producing Massive Waterfalls 1219
Warmer Subsurface Ocean Melting Greenland Ice 1019
A New Risk Grows - Ice Slabs Worsen Runoff in Greenland's Extreme Melting 0919
At the Bottom of Helheim Glacier in Greenland, Scientists Find Troubling Signs 0819
Greenland Just Lost 11 Billion Tons of Ice – in 1 Day 0819
Greenland Headed for a Record Melt Year, 250 Billion tons of Ice Already Gone 0819
Heat Waves Amplify Near-Record Levels of Ice Melt in Northern Hemisphere 0819
'Climate Emergency’ - Greenland’s Ice Sheet Melting May Break Record 0719
Greenland Is Melting in a Heat Wave 0719
The Glacier That Produced the ‘Titanic’ Iceberg Has Suddenly Stopped Flowing 0519
Greenland Has Been Exceptionally Warm Lately; Ice Is Melting a Month Early 0419
Greenland Is Melting Even Faster than Experts Thought 0419
Unusual Winter Rains Are Driving Sea Level Rise from Greenland 0319 - 70% of ice loss from rain, 30% from glacier calving, etc.
Greenland’s Melting Ice Nears a ‘Tipping Point,’ Scientists Say 0119
Arctic Ice Melting Tripled in 15 Years 1218
What Greenland's 'Unprecedented' Ice Loss Means for Earth 1218
Better Mapping of Greenland Ice Loss 0918
Greenland’s Biggest Fire Is a ‘Warning’ for Its Future 0418
Ice Cores Show Greenland’s Melting Is Unprecedented in at Least 4 Centuries 0318
Algae on Greenland Ice Sheet Significantly Hasten Its Melting 1217
As Greenland Melts, Where’s the Water Going? 1217
These Are the Melting Glaciers That Might Someday Drown Your City 1117 - Peterman, Jacobshavn, Zachariae
Mapping Greenland Has Produced Some Surprising - Worrying – Results 1017
'Unusual' Greenland Wildfires Right Now Are Linked to Peat 0817
Despite Summer Snow, Greenland Is Still Melting 0717
Wildfires Dumped a Huge Amount of Soot atop Greenland’s Ice Sheet 0617
So Much Water Pulsed thru a Melting Glacier, It Warped Earth’s Crust 0517 - 6.7 billion tons in 4 months
Troubling News about Greenland’s Most Enormous Glacier 0417 281 GT of ice loss annually. Fjords extend far, far inland.
Data Are Now Coming In from NASA’s Study of Greenland’s Melting 0217
Greenland Ice Melt Could Push Atlantic Circulation to Collapse 0117
'The Arctic Is Unraveling,' Conclude Scientists after Latest Climate Report 1216
History Reveals Greenland Ice Might Melt Much Faster Than Believed 1216 - It was ice-free 25% of last 1.4 million years.
Greenland Is Melting from Above and Below. Scientists Say They’re Connected. 1016
Greenland May Be Losing Ice Even Faster than We Thought 0916
Greenland Lost a Staggering 1 Trillion Tons of Ice in Just 4 Years 0716 - slight acceleration from the 4 years before
Deep-Blue Ponds and Streams Highlight Melting on Greenland Ice Sheet 0716
Greenland Was Hotter than New York City Last Week 0616
Record Greenland Melting Caused by Surprising Feedback Loop 0616 - Growing Arctic sea ice LOSS warms ice more.
Greenland Ice Sheet Melting Has Started Early 0416
Early Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Has Researchers Concerned 0416
Heat Wave in Greenland Triggers Record Early Start to Ice Melt Season 0416
Why Greenland Could Also Melt Faster than Expected 0416 - several processes, including warming sea water underneath
Bacteria Could Be Speeding Up the Darkening of Greenland's Ice 0316
James Hansen Warns of Much Worse than Expected Sea Level Rise 0316 - take 2 on study above in Ice Dynamics
We Had All Better Hope These Scientists Are Wrong about Earth’s Future 0316 - take 1 on study above in Ice Dynamics
Greenland’s Melting Is ‘Feeding on Itself’ 0316
What the Earth Will Be Like in 10,000 years, according to Scientists 0216
Greenland Ice Sheet Melts up to 1/3 Faster under Cloudy Skies 0116
New Discovery Shows Greenland Could Be Making Sea-Level Rise Even Worse 0116
Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Sea Level over the Next Millennium 0619
5-33 cm by 2100 and 56-720 cm by 3000, depending on emissions scenario and other factors. Panel A is about temperature increase at Greenland and Panel B is about sea level rise as a result for Greenland. RCP 8.5 is the fastest global temperature rise modeled and RCP 2.6 the slowest.
Below that (top 4) are maps for the year 3000 of ice-freee areas now and under under the scenarios.
Fig. 2 Observed 2008 state and simulations of the Greenland Ice Sheet at year 3000.(A) Observed 2008 ice extent (53). (B to D) Likelihood (percentiles) of ice cover as percentage of the ensemble simulations with nonzero ice thickness. Likelihoods less than the 16th percentile are masked. (E) Multi-year composite of observed surface speeds (61). (F to H) Surface speeds from the control simulation. Basin names shown in (A) in clockwise order are southwest (SW), central-west (CW), northwest (NW), north (NO), northeast (NE), and southeast (SE). RCP 2.6 (B and F), RCP 4.5 (C and G), and RCP 8.5 (D and H). Topography in meters above sea level (m a.s.l.) [(A) to (H)].
2015 Articles and earlier
Greenland Ice Sheet Is Shrinking at High Rate 1215 - take 2 on study
Greenland’s Staggering Amount of ice Loss Is Getting Worse 1215 - take 1 on study
Greenland Just Opened up a Major New Ice Floodgate into the Ocean 1115
5 Trillion Tons of Ice Lost Since 2002 - 0915
Greenland Melt Prompts NASA Fears of Coastal Flooding 0815
World's Fastest-Melting Glacier Loses Massive Chunk in 2 Days 0815
OMG… Greenland’s Ice Sheets Are Melting Fast. Look Underneath. 0815
Medium-Large Earthquakes Are Shaking Greenland, as Icebergs Calve 0615
Scientists Can Finally Explain Why Huge Lakes atop Greenland Are Vanishing 0615
Our Polar Regions Are Simply 'Melting Away.’ It's a Beautiful Disaster. 0115
Models of Greenland Ice Melting Could Be Way Off. Florida Beware! 1214
Greenland’s Dark Snow May Start Global Warming Feedback Loop 0914
Greenland Ice Loss Doubles from Late 2000s - 0814
Greenland Glaciers More Susceptible to Melt Than Thought 0514
Greenland Glacier Hits Record Speed 0214
Greenland “Mega Canyon” Sends Water to the Sea 0813
Why Greenland Melting Is Biggest Climate Disaster of All 0113
Arctic Wildfires Speed Melting of Greenland Ice 1212
Greenland Lost 200 Billion Ton of Ice per Year 2003-10 1112
Greenland Ice Sheet Cannot Survive Current CO2 Level 1012
Greenland Melting Breaks Record 4 Weeks Early 0812
Greenland Aug 2012 Ice Summary 0812
Greenland Lost 422 GT of Ice in 2011 0812
Iceberg 2 x Manhattan, from Greenland 0712
Data Sheds Light on Speed of Greenland Glaciers 0512
Summary #1 - 1.6°C Warming Makes Greenland Ice Melt Away 0312
Summary #2 - Greenland Ice Sheet Vulnerable to Less Warming Than Previously Thought 0312
Summary #3 - Greenland Ice Melt May Soon Become Irreversible 0312
Greenland Ice Unstable 1.6°C Above Pre-Industrial - Robinson 0312 - PDF
Greenland Shed 100 Billions Tons of Ice in 2010 1211
Second Giant Ice Island Set to Break off Greenland 0911
Accelerating Arctic Melt Raises Sea Level Rise Projections 0511
Speed of Greenland Ice Melt Sets New Record 0111
Greenland Loses Ice Sheet 4 x Size of Manhattan 0810
Greenland Rebound Accelerates 0510
‘Dramatic’ Ice Melt in NW Greenland since 2005 Exceeds Projections 0310
Greenland Losing 273 cu km Ice / Year 1109
An Arctic Ice Cap’s Shockingly Rapid Slide into the Sea 0115 - Svalbard / Spitzbergen actually
Section Map: Ice