African Sahara 'Greening' Could Alter Northern Hemisphere Climate 1124
How Canada's Wildfires Are Warming the Stratosphere 0823
As Simultaneous Crop Failures Threaten Food System Collapse, Plutocrats vs Us 0723 - Falling temperature contrast between the tropics and the polar region weakens and slows the "polar" jet stream (~40-55°N). So meanders are larger and more frequent in the north polar jet stream, leading to longer and hotter droughts, as well as longer rains and floods. These can decrease crop yields in North America, Europe and China simultaneously. The threat is worldwide famine.
‘Virtually Certain’ Extreme Antarctic Events Will Get Worse without Drastic Action 0823 - Some of them will affect the south polar jet stream, in somewhat similar ways to the north polar jet stream. Problem for crop yields in southern South America, and -somewhat less so - in Australia and New Zealand, south Africa, and temperate South America.
Pliocene-Like Monsoons Are Returning to the American Southwest 1122
Loss of Arctic Sea Ice to Give Rise to More of Strong El Niños 0922
A Michigan Summer Day Could Be as Hot as the Deep South by 2100 - 0822
Climate Change Threatens Europe with New Weather Extremes 0422
A Warming World Could Add More Fuel to Tornadoes 1221
Climate Change Makes Indian Monsoon Season Stronger and More Chaotic 0421
Projected Surge of Lightning Spells More Wildfire Trouble for the Arctic 0421
Climate Change to Shift Earth’s Tropical Rain Belt 0121
Click for more
Climate Change May Kickstart Dormant El Niño Weather System in Indian Ocean 0520
Super El Niño Events May Become More Frequent as the Climate Warms 1019
What an Ice-Free Arctic Really Means, and Why It Matters So Much 0919
Athletes Told Congress They Fear Demise of Winter Sports from Global Warming 0919
Research over Millennia Links Shrinking Sea Ice to Less Rain in Central North America 0319
Extreme Weather Threatens African Society and Economy 1018
New El Niño Weather Event Likely This Winter, Says WMO 0918
Wind and Solar Farms Can Make Their Own Weather, with Extra Rain over Sahara 0918
Climate Change Will Make El Niño/La Niña Impacts Stronger 0918
The People Most Hurt by Climate Swings Did the Least to Cause Them 0518
Climate variability (drought to flood and back, etc.), relative to local past norms, is gretest in the tropics.
California's Wild Extremes of Drought and Floods to Worsen as Climate Warms 0418
Climate Change May Mean More Spring Snowstorms in the Future 0318
El Niño Might Speed Up Climate Change 1217 - Tropical forests emit more carbon, absorb less. Forest fires.
Even Minor Global Warming Could Worsen Super El Niños 0717
Shifting Storms under Climate Change to Worsen Coastal Perils 0717
Australia Could Suffer from Droughts, Heat Waves as the Tropical Zone Expands 0717
Warmth Will Worsen Wet and Dry Extremes 0617
'Alarming'- Keeping Warming to 1.5°C to Shield Australia from Big Extremes 0517
Tornado Deaths and Destruction to Triple in Coming Decades 0517 - more people and property in tornado paths
Severe Weather Changes Ahead, Warn Scientists at Climate Forum 0517
Extreme Storms Will Be a Lot More Frequent as Climate Warms 1216
Climate Change Warming Asian Waters, Altering Monsoon 0716
Arctic Warming Is Possibly Catastrophic for Planet, Climate Scientist Warns 0216
West Likely to Be Stormier with Climate Change 0216
Climate Scientists Fear ‘Day After Tomorrow’ Scenario 0915
Concerns Deepen about a Climate-Change ‘Wild Card’ 0915 - shutdown of ocean thermohaline circulation
Surge In ‘Danger Days’ Just around the Corner 0815
Climate Change Could Give San Francisco the Climate of San Diego 0815
The Deadly Combination of Heat and Humidity 0615
Sydney Storms Intensify as Engineers Begin to Adjust to Climate Change 0415
Welcome to the 'Double El Niño' — and More Extreme Weather 0315
Arctic Melt Brings More Persistent Heat Waves to U.S., Europe 0315
US 'at Risk of Mega-Drought Future’ 0215 - See Overviews page for maps of effects and PDF of study.
Global Warming May Spawn More Southeast US Tornadoes 0215
Climate Change in Minnesota - More Heat, More Big Storms 0215
Climate Change Will Hit Australia Harder Than Rest of the World 0115
Global Warming Could Make Blizzards Worse 0115
Global Warming ‘Doubles Risk' of Extreme Weather 0115
With Climate Change, Himalayas' Future is Warmer, Not Necessarily Brighter 0115
Concern about Extremes, as Planet Gets Hotter and Colder 1214
Tropical Deforestation Could Disrupt Rainfall Globally 1214 - take #1 on study
Tropical Deforestation Threatens Global Food Production 1214 - take #2 on study
Weather Extremes Will Be the Norm as World Warms 1114
Risk from Extreme Weather Set to Rise 1114
Thunderstruck - Lightning Will Increase with Warming 1114
Every Other Summer Will Be a Heat Wave in Eastern China 1014
Storm Warning - the Winds of Climate Change 0714
What to Expect When You’re Expecting El Niño 0414
Thunderstorms Will Get Worse, Tornadoes Commoner, as Climate Warms 0813
Changes in Store as Ohio Warms 0813 - see also Food Impacts. Based on changes observed in temperature and precipitation over the past century.
Can Extreme Weather Make Climate Change Worse? 0813 Droughts cut CO2 absorption.
North Carolina Forecast Calls for Heat, Drought, Storms 0713
Drought, Flood Signal Iowa's Future 0613
Intense Thunderstorms More Likely to Batter a Warming World 0613
Southwest US Monsoon Season May Heat Up with the Climate 0513
Warming Climate Likely Means More Floods, Droughts - NASA 0513
Hawaii Will Get Less Rain, Due To Global Warming 0413
Warming to Bring Lots More Severe Thunderstorms to Southeast 0413
Record Rain in Argentina Is Sign of Things to Come 0413
High Price of Melbourne's (Australia) Hot Weather, to Mid-Century 0113
India Could Face Crippling Heat Waves 1212
Megastorms (Atmospheric Rivers) Could Drown Much of California (More Often) 1112
Stronger Storms May Destroy Much of Stratospheric Ozone 0712
Tornadoes Will Come Earlier with Warming 0312
Heat Wave Temps to Soar 0708 - e.g., LA 117° F, KC 116, Chicago 115, Atlanta 110, Paris 109, Delhi 120, Belém (Brazil) 121, south of France 118°. People will look back at 2008 as the good old cool days.
US 20-Year Rain & Heat Events to Become 8- & 3-Year Ones by 2050 and 2100 - 0608
Tornados to Increase with Warming 1207 - esp. in FL & southern Plains in spring, then the whole eastern US in summer
Climate Change in the Midwest - UCS 0809 - PDF, 24 pages
Average summer temperatures and rainfall for 1961-90, 2010-39, 2040-69 & 2070-99.
Red is for the high emissions scenario, orange for the low emissions scenario.
Weather changes in other parts of the US (and the world) will be broadly similar to those projected for the Northeast. By 2100, places in the Northeast would get 50-60 more days over 90°F and 3-20 more days 100°F. A larger fraction of rain would come in intense events (days with more than 2 inches would rise 40-50%). 1-3 month droughts would double, 3-6 month droughts triple, and droughts longer than 6 months quadruple. Winter days with snow on the ground would fall to 1/4 to 1/2 as many as now.
Migrating Climates in the Northeast & Their Impacts - UCS 0707 - PDF, 160 pages
The UCS maps of migrating climates show how the climate in states now will feel like states further south (& a little west) in mid-century, and much further late this century. Averaged across all 15 states, in the high emissions case, it's like moving 330 miles SSW for 2040-69 and 660 miles SSW for 2070-99.
For example, by the end of the century, New Hampshire would feel like the Piedmont today in North Carolina and Virginia, unless we cut carbon emissions deeply. Rhode Island's climate would be like Savannah's. Indiana's climate would resemble today's Virginia in winter and Oklahoma in summer. Minnesota's summer climate would resemble the Kansas climate of today. By 2100, absent steep carbon emission cuts, western Pennsylvania's climate would feel like Alabama's today.
See www.climatechoices.org/ne/impacts_ne/climates.html for maps of how climate would change for 9 Northeast states. Similarly, see www.ucsusa.org/greatlakes/glimpactmigrating.html for maps of how climate would change for 9 Great Lakes states.
Projected Number of Droughts / 30 Years (short-, medium-, and long-term)
Projected Number of Snow-Covered Days per Month (Dec, Jan & Feb)
Section Map: Weather & Sea Level Rise