Cap & Trade
Cap & Trade (except Offsets)
China Plans Biggest Changes Yet to Lift Carbon Market Impact 0424
For Chinese yuan to US $, divide by 7.1. Scale is US $6.90 to $13.20 per tonne of CO2.
EU Agrees on Carbon Tariff Rules to Tackle Climate Change 1224
Korea to Impose Stricter Emissions Trading Rules to Boost Prices 0924
Carbon Offset Market Faces Chaos as African Mega-Project Collapses 1023
Europe’s War on Carbon Goes Global as Border Tax Comes Into Play 1023
European Law Might Get Companies around the World to Cut Climate Pollution 0523
- border adjustment, for industrial goods subject to little or no carbon price at home.
Washington State Just Began Capping Carbon Emissions. Here’s How It Works. 0123
New York Adopts Cap and Trade as a Pillar of Climate Action 1222
World’s 1st Carbon Border Tax Lands in Europe 1222
Carbon Trading in China Isn't Helping Tackle Climate Change 1222
China Delays Carbon Market Expansion on Data Problems 0522 - CO2 price is now about $8.55 per tonne.
Click for more
China’s Weak Carbon Market Hits a New Roadblock -- Data Fraud 0422
China's Carbon Market May Get Stricter Under a New Proposal 0122 - $9 to 10.25 / ton of CO2
Gov. Youngkin Aims to Remove Virginia from Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative 0122
Europe’s CO2 Price Has Almost Tripled in 2021 - 1221 - €80 / ton
Energy Crunch Drives Carbon Prices to Record as Europe Burns Coal 1121 - €71.21 per metric ton
Carbon Pricing, if Missing the 100% Dividend, Will Boost Inequality 1121
The E.U. Is Getting Serious about Climate. Can the U.S. Follow Suit? 0721 - E.U. plans to raise the price to at least $71 per ton of CO2.
China to Quickly Expand Top Carbon Market to Add More Polluters 0721
Nuts, Bolts & Pitfalls of Carbon Pricing - Equity-Based Primer on Paying to Pollute 0721 - for NAACP
Washington State Finally Passes a Cap on Carbon Emissions 0421
EU Price on CO2 Pollution Hits Record High in Early 2021 - 0121
Why China’s New Carbon Market Is No Quick Climate Fix 0121
China to Delay National Carbon Market Debut to 2021 - 1120
FERC Takes ‘Landmark Action' on Carbon Pricing 1020
World's Largest Carbon Market Faces Revamp under Draft EU Plan 0920 - target for cut by 2030 (from 1990) raised from 40% to 55%. Cap to drop faster than old 2.2% a year. Power plants and factories already covered. Add flights within Europe.
Trump Can’t Weaken California’s Carbon Market, Federal Judge Rules 0720
China Power Giants Prepare for World’s Biggest Carbon Market 0620
Merkel Cabinet Seals Plan to Widen CO2 Price to Heating, Roads 0520
Northeast States Take 1st Step in Effort to Reduce Transportation Emissions 1019
Pennsylvania Is Joining a Multi-State Effort to Price Carbon Emissions 1019
Quebec Adds $215 Million to Coffers from Carbon Market Envied by Europe 0219
How Ontario's Proposed Carbon Price Is Not a Carbon Tax (Probably, Maybe) 0219
After Topping EU Commodity Gains in 2018, Carbon Prices Set to Surge Again 1218
State Cap-and-Trade Systems Offer Evidence that Carbon Pricing Can Work 1118
EU Carbon Price Triples, Finally Puts Pressure on Coal 0818
Massachusetts Senate Votes to Put a Price on Carbon, with National Grid Support 0618 - It goes to House now. It punts choice of tax or cap & trade to Governor. Tool to meet -40% (1990 base) by 2030 and 80% by 2050. Starts for transport, business, and residential in consecutive years. State’s largest utility strongly supports it, plans electrification of transport and home heating (heat pumps), continued decarbonization of electricity, etc.
Later: Provision did not make it out of conference committee.
Checking the Math on California’s Cap and Trade - Is It Adding Up? 0518
Will China's Participation Invigorate Cap-and-Trade Schemes Elsewhere? 0518
Europe's $38 Billion Carbon Market Is Finally Doing Its Job 0318
Guide to the World’s Largest Carbon Market that Just Launched in China 1217
Gov. Jerry Brown and EU Leaders Agree to Work to Combat Climate Change 1117
California Pollution Permits Sell at Highest Price Ever 0817
Xi Jinping Is Set for a Big Gamble With China’s Carbon Trading Market 0617
How Countries Cut Carbon by Putting a Price on It 0417
Ontario's 1st Cap-and-Trade Auction Sells Out Current Allowances 0417
Ethiopia Plans Carbon Trading, as It Gears Up to Be Carbon Neutral by 2025 - 0317
Reform of EU Carbon Trading Scheme Agreed 0217
Cap & Trade to Cost Ontario $8 Billion in 1st Years, with Minimal CO2 Reductions 1116
RGGI Carbon Auction Prices Fall 40% on Clean Power Plan Uncertainty 0716
Tough to Keep the World From Warming When Carbon Is This Cheap 0716
California Ponders Expanding Cap and Trade to Brazil 0516
China Aims to Boost Renewable Energy with 'Green Certificates' 0316
Washington Puts Gov. Inslee's Carbon Rules on Hold 0216
Obama's Climate Change Rule Stays Alive in Courts, for Now 0116
In the Heart of Coal Country, Calls for Carbon Trading 0116
Rice Growers on the Front Lines of U.S. Carbon Markets 0116
Carbon Trading Finds a Foothold in at Least 20 States 0116
Drivers May Pay for Next Step in Fight against Climate Change 0116
For Big Business Seeking CO2 Emissions Price, a Ray of Hope from Paris 1215
Governments to Raise $22 Billion from Carbon Pricing in 2015 - 1015
Climate Change Deal Will Not Include Global Carbon Price 1015
ITF Calls for Global Rules for Ship Operators to Cut Emissions 1015
With Market on Their Side, Electric Utilities Skip Fight Against Carbon Rule 1015
What Can China Achieve with Cap and Trade? 0915
Will China's Carbon-Trading Plan Help Curb Climate Change? 0915
China to Launch National Cap-and-Trade Plan in 2017 - 0915
$2.2 Billion from CA Cap & Trade Begins Flowing, to Rail, Housing, Clean Cars, etc. 0815
Obama Just Created a Carbon Cap-and-Trade Program 0815
Carbon Caps Help Northeast Economy 0715
China's Guangdong to Allocate 408 Million CO2 Permits This Year 0715
China Prepares to Launch National Carbon Market to Fight Climate Change 0515
EU Diplomats Approve Proposal to Start CO2 Market Reform in 2019 - 0515
Ontario Sees Carbon Caps System as Best Way to Cut Emissions 0415
EU Carbon Permit Prices Rise, as Nations Agree to Seek 2021 Start to Fix 0315
European Carbon Market Reform Set for 2019 - 0215
As China Readies National Carbon Trading Program Launch, Questions Multiply 0215
California Manufacturers to Pay More Under Toughest Carbon Curbs 0215
EU Politicians Seek to Revive Sluggish Carbon Market 0115
Warm Weather Sinking EU Emissions-Market Plans 0115
California Motorists to Begin Shouldering Costs of Carbon Auction 1114
Carbon Trading Edges Closer, as UN Brokers Deal 1014
Gaming Carbon Market Must End to Solve Global Warming 1014
Other Nations to Link to China’s Planned Carbon Market 0914
China Suggests Coal Use Cap and Import Curbs in Draft Air Pollution Law 0914
China Seeks Pollution Cut With National Carbon Market 0914
After US Pledges Cuts, China Announces Plans to Cap Carbon Emissions in 2016 - 0614
China's Ambitious Cap-and-Trade Plan Rolls Down a Long, Bumpy Runway 0514
April Brings Californians Electricity 'Climate Credit’ 0314
Australia’s Pollution Plan Starts to Look Like Trading 1213
Beijing Carbon Trading Starts as China Acts on Climate 1113
EU Carbon Price Declines as Poland’s Auction Debut Set to Boost Supply 0913
China Starts Testing Cap-and-Trade 0613
California's 2nd Carbon Auction Price Up 0213
California Starts Cap & Trade 1112
Cap & Trade Failure Helped Cut US Emissions 1012
Chinese Official Says Carbon Caps Are Real Possibility 0811
Climate Bill Would Save US $19 Billion - CBO 0710
Senate Climate Bill Has No Major Surprises 0510
Kerry-Graham-Lieberman Cap & Trade Bill Framework 1209 - PDF - 5 page letter from the 3 Senators
US Senate Climate Bill Hearings 1009
How Climate Bill Can Get 60 Votes in the US Senate 0709
Waxman-Markey Climate Bill Passes House 0709
Summary of Waxman-Markey Bill 0709
House Draft Climate Change Bill 0409
Europe’s recent ETS prices, in euros (€) for CO2 permits.
Cap was cut in 2021. Russia cut back deliveries in early 2022
Analysis - China's Big Carbon Market Experiment 0914
Price ranges, thru Aug. 2014
Carbon Trading in China - Short-Term Experience, Long-Term Wisdom 0414
The China carbon trading graph below is by Lucas Bifera of Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, April 9, 2014.
European Union [EU] Market Carbon Emissions Fell 0413
A price graph, in €/Tonne of CO2, not of carbon. Note that prices depend heavily on how high (in tons) the cap is set. With a flat cap and declining emissions, allowance prices fall, even plunge.
Discussion Draft Kerry-Boxer Climate Bill 1009 - PDF, 801 pp
Note that actual US fossil-fuel emissions have fallen 20% since 2007, approximating the orange line.
Markey-Waxman 2009 GHG Bill Summary 0409 - PDF, 5 pages
Markey-Waxman 2009 GHG Bill 0409 - PDF, 648 pp
Offsets for Cap & Trade
CoP26 Finally Set Rules on Carbon Markets. What Does It Mean? 1121
A Climate “Solution” Actually Adds Millions of Tons of CO2 to the Atmosphere 0421 - semi-phantom forest offsets in California: use average tree carbon / sq meter nin a zone, buy land that’s above average and take credit for the difference,.
Huge Forest Accounting Problem Could Hamper World’s Push to Cut Emissions 0421 - Who gets credit for a forest preserved as an offset? Buyer, seller, both or neither? Many nations use different rules from independent evaluators. Large-emitting nations with large forests wind up with phantom benefits unless rules are changed.
Why ‘Carbon Offsets’ Don’t Do All That They Promise 0820 - permanence, reality, additionality
San Joaquin Valley Growers Seek Credit for Sequestering Carbon in Soils 0215
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Why the World Needs to Put a Better Price on the Rainforest 1014
Carbon Trading in China - Short-Term Experience, Long-Term Wisdom 0414
U.N. Carbon Offset Market to Be 'in a Coma' for Years 1113
California Air Rules Allow Business to Pay Someone Else to Slash Emissions 0813
Climate Bill Impact on Agriculture Gets Clearer 1209
Section Map: Government & Carbon Pricing